Playboy Models Photographed 60 Years Later
Seeing Playboy ‘bunnies’ usually doesn’t give you the idea that the iconic brand has been around for more than 60 years. Well, until you see its creator Hugh Hefner, that is.
He founded the industry-defining magazine in Chicago back in 1953. To get it going, Hefner had to borrow $1,000 USD from his mother – an investment that paid off massively not only for him but for many models that turned the magazine into a stepping stone for their careers.
Now New York Mag and photographer Nadav Kander have invited the models back – from Miss March 1954 to Miss January 1979 issues for one more photoshoot. And well, the ladies still got it!
More info: nymag.com | nadav kander (h/t: boredpanda)
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