Makeup Artist Transforms Into Any Celebrity She Wants
Lucia Pittalis is a woman with many faces and that’s not a metaphor. Thanks to her insane contouring skills the painter/makeup artist can actually transform herself into anyone she desires.
Being a huge cinema, theater and music lover she usually recreates famous characters and celebrities. The cool bit is that she doesn’t use any prosthetic appliances, the illusion is created purely out of makeup.
“I buy old stuff like wigs and accessories at markets and study the characters watching photos, movies, videos,” Lucia told Bored Panda. “Then I put on some background music related to that character so that it put me in the mood and I am ready to watch myself in the mirror for hours.“
More info: instagram (h/t: boredpanda)
Her Majesty the Queen
Scarface – Tony Montana
Hulk Hogan
Don Vito Corleone – The Godfather
First Blood – Rambo
Jim Morrison the poetry
From The Captain Jack Sparrow to Lucia. Makeover In reverse
Tribute to the mighty Bette Davis in “Return from Witch Mountain”
It could work. Dr.Frankenstein – Gene Wilder
Who’s dead? – Jessica Fletcher
You are on a mission from God, Jake! – The Blues Brothers
Lust for Iggy Pop
Paint it black with Keith Richards
Rocky before the match…
And after the match
The Dark Lord of the Riffs: Tony Iommi – Black Sabbath
Breaking Bad’s Walter White
See Lucia in action:
For a more scary makeup go here.
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