13 Hilarious Winners Of The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Funny animals don’t get Nobel prizes or Oscar nominations, and they’re woefully underrepresented at CERN. But they at least have the Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards to recognize their comedic value. Paul Joynson-Hicks organized this competition. An avid nature photographer, he loves seeing animals at their natural funniest.
“The number and quality of the entries was fantastic,” judge and British comedian Hugh Dennis told Peta Pixel. “The finalists should be very proud of themselves, as should the animals they photographed, simply for looking so funny. Sadly there is no way of telling them.”
More info: comedywildlifephoto.com | facebook | twitter | instagram (h/t: mymodernmet, colossal)
Winner 2015 – “Rush Hour”
Image source: Julian Rad
Silver Runner-up “You Haven’t Seen Me…”
Image source: Liam Richardson
Image source: Julie Hunt
Image source: Alison Buttigieg
Image source: Toni Dilger
Image source: Wuzuru Masuda
Image source: Julian Rad
Image source: Marc Mol
Image source: Graham McGeorge
Image source: Mohammed Alnaser
Bronze Runner-up “Nearly Got It”
Image source: Oliver Dreike
Image source: Charlie Davidson
Image source: Megan Lorenz
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