Abandoned 100-Year-Old Church Transformed Into A Graffiti Themed Skate Park
This unusually colorful church now houses the Kaos Temple. That’s the name given to the murals adorning a Spanish church converted by street artist Okuda San Miguel. This 100 year old church had already been converted to a skate park by La Iglesia Skate earlier this year.
The 1912-built church is now built with bright geometric paintings. Verkami describes Okudas work as follows:
“His iconic artistic piece Kaos Star represents a colorful and isometric rose of the winds that tries to tell us that it does not matter were you are, or what you are doing, what matters are your own goals.”
More info: okudart.es | verkami.com | facebook
Image source: Red Bull Media
Image source: La Iglesia Skate
Image source: Red Bull Media
Image source: okudart
Image source: La Iglesia Skate / Red Bull Media
Image source: Red Bull Media
Image source: okudart
Image source: La Iglesia Skate
Image source: Red Bull Media
Image source: Red Bull Media
Before and after
Image source: La Iglesia Skate / Red Bull Media
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