Your Quarter-Life Crisis Summed Up In Illustrated Children’s Rhymes
The changing pace of life has put 20-somethings into a weird sort of Limbo. Samantha Jayne navigates it with the help of rhyming. Her pithy lines are accompanied by simple illustrations on the subject. Jayne’s work speaks to the urbanite young and our relationship woes, employment struggles, food dramas, and love of computers.
“I had no idea that a LOT of other 20-somethings felt the same way,” Jayne wrote on Bored Panda. “Now with 50k Instagram subscribers, it’s been totally wild seeing people tag their friends in my poems and relating to them on a personal level. It makes me feel way less alone in my daily struggles, and hopefully makes other people feel like we’re all in this together.”
More info: quarterlifepoetry.com | instagram | twitter (h/t: boredpanda)
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