Husband Announced His Wife’s Pregnancy With Some Special Pictures
Announcing pregnancies is no mean feat. Simon Schaffrath went all in, decorating his wife’s belly to create landscapes for photo montages. Using non-toxic, skin-friendly materials, the couple transformed the mother’s round stomach into mountains and islands. Sometimes, the little baby Theo kicked so hard, the paste cracked!
“I worked on every photo for one week,” Simon Schaffrath wrote on Bored Panda). “We took the photos on Sundays, then I retouched them with Photoshop till Wednesdays and after that I planned the next shoot. Modelling was great fun for both of us…” The couple has framed the photos and they now adorn the walls of Theo’s future room.
(h/t: boredpanda)
Got wisdom to pour?
What a fantastic idea. Brilliant! Lots of luck with your new life xx
Creativity at it’s best. Good luck with the newborn and lots and lots love and blessing to you guys. Cheers :)
Creativity at it’s best. Good luck with the new born and lots and lots of blessing and love to you guys :)