10 Funny Comics That Socially Awkward Introverts Will Understand
Are you awkward? So is everyone else, if the internet is to be believed! And then you’ll love these socially awkward bee comics. Whether they’re introverts or just awkward, these fellows have the hardest time navigating social situations. Ordering coffee is an ordeal, and so is speaking with friends, and don’t get them started on phone calls.
The comics are the work of a German artist under the pseudonym floccinaucinihilipilificationa (working from the word meaning the act of saying that something’s worthless). She speaks little English, but that didn’t stop her from drawing these awkward comics or writing about Dumbledore.
What else can you do when you’re too awkward to go outside!
More info: tumblr (h/t: boredpanda)
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