Super-Hero Bookend That Keeps Your Books From Falling Down

Published 9 years ago

Do you have any books or graphic novels that keep falling off your shelf? Then superhero bookends are here to save the day! The quirky contraptions feature non-trademark men of steel to keep you books upwards. The trick is in magnets. The books are held by a thin, night invisible shelf that fits in the back of the book, while the superhero is attached via a magnet. In the “Book & Hero” version, it’s angled along the books. In “Supershelf”, the shelf hangs from the wall, while a generic superman lifts the books up.

The bookends come from an Israeli company called Artori Design. They make a lot of quirky, silhouetted items for you everyday life, like a cat vs. dog kitchen towel holder or a red napkin holder in the shape of a toreador baiting a bull.

Now, all we need is a pickle jar opener in the shape of a superhero.

More info: | facebook (h/t: mymodernmet)

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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Artori Design, Book & Hero Bookend, bookend, books, furniture, geek furniture, interior, interior design, shelf, shelves, superhero, Supershelf