Russian Photographer Captures Adorable Photos Of Animals And Kids Playing In Snow
Babies, animals, snow – a recipe for disaster, am I right? Apparently, no, because Russian photographer Elena Karneeva has done some kickass photo sessions that netted her editor’s choice on 500px. And the photoshoots are cuter than a schoolgirl with a basket of kittens. The children seem happy and sure of themselves, which is a welcome sight. The animals aren’t at all afraid, making this for a very warm – despite the snow – series of photos.
On the other hand, she is a professional and dedicated children photographer in Moscow. And if she can get children to be calm, it can’t be that hard to do it with animals, too.
More info: karneeva.ru | Facebook | Instagram | 500px (h/t: boredpanda)
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The world holds my burning matchstick life in its fingers, and as the end nears, I may become intolerable.