Freaky Graffiti Of Dissected Cartoon Animals And Pop Culture Characters
Art has to make you feel something, even if that something isn’t entirely pleasant. For example, Nychos here loves making pictures of dissected animals and even cartoon characters. Heck, he throws in a guy or two in there, too. He’s good at it, too, especially considering that his “canvas” can sometimes be wall sized. But the detail and the work put into it is a little unsettling. One has to have a very peculiar mind to be set on drawing dissections all the time. Especially since they look so meticulously detailed – proof of long and arduous study on the subject.
One can only guess as to what numbers of frogs and flies met their end at the cold, curious hand of lil’ Nychos.
We jest: he actually grew up in a hunting family, and spent his teenage years listening to metal. All seems logical, doesn’t it?
More info: rabbiteyemovement | Tumblr | Facebook | Instagram (h/t: designtaxi)
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