“I Saw What Parents Go Through”: 25 People On Why They’re Saying No To Kids

Published 1 week ago

Having kids is often considered a natural part of life, but not everyone shares that desire. A Reddit user recently asked, “People who don’t want children, what is your biggest reason?” The responses were varied, insightful, and sometimes brutally honest. While some focused on personal freedom, others cited deeper societal and environmental concerns.

While society often assumes that everyone will eventually want children, the responses on Reddit prove that there are countless valid reasons for choosing a child-free life.  Here’s a look at some of the most compelling reasons shared by Redditors.

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Image source: 0nionBerry, Kaboompics.com

I don’t want them.


Image source: Best_Sherbet2727, Craig Adderley

I like sleeping, having money, and enjoying peace. Kids threaten all three.


The questions should be: people who want children, what are your biggest reasons.

Image source: ikindalold


Image source: Turbulent_Divide_311, Getty Images

I just don’t. I wish people would respect that. .


To quote a comment I’ve read somewhere “I’d rather regret not having kids than regret having them”.

Image source: Affectionate_Sea_984


*gestures around wildly*.

Image source: ThomasDominus


Image source: Gu1n3ss, Phil Nguyen

The sound of a baby crying makes me want to jump out a window.


We don’t need reasons. Want is a subjective word. Any reason for not wanting kids a person has is valid.

Image source: n-tulipwind


Image source: IceCreamPlsss, Josh Willink

The thought of pushing a human being out my v****a sounds horrifying.


Free time and money. Cats are more entertaining and cheaper.

Image source: LSDthrowaway34520


Image source: s-prettypumpkin, Alena Darmel

I love my free time more than anything. I can do anything I want at any time when I’m not working. I read, make videos about table top games, play video games, hang out with my wife and dogs, hang out with friends.


Everything. There’s literally nothing appealing about having children. If someone says they don’t want kids accept and move on.

Image source: Practical_Joke_193


Image source: EirenVayn, Andrea Piacquadio

Our family has a genetic disease, I don’t want my child to suffer the same way as I am.


Image source: mlbrano, Getty Images

They are just really annoying honestly.


Image source: randinicole831, nd3000

Because I saw how exhausted parents look.


Not having kids is the default. I have no desire to have kids as I see no reason, therefor I default to not having.

I feel a more interesting question would be to ask people who have kids why they do. There’s a weird double standard though. It’s acceptable for people to ask me “why not?” when they find out I don’t have kids, but sort of taboo to ask them “why?” when finding out that they have kids.

Image source: ImpressionOld2296


Image source: gorgeousoutrageous, Sarah Chai

The screams, the horrible screams….


Image source: Solid-Group8544, Jeffery Erhunse

I like having a peaceful life, get to save my money, time, and energy. Having a kid just sounds like a nightmare, every young parent I know is miserable af.


I don’t want a hard life. Pregnancy terrifies me, kids are expensive, and I don’t know if I have the patience to be a good parent and also have a fulfilling life of my own. I like the freedom of being able to do what I want without having to consider children. And I don’t want to bring kids into this world, I wouldn’t know what kind of life they could even have if I did.

Image source: k_r_shade


I’ve never understood the appeal of children. I don’t think they’re fun, or cute, or funny, or interesting at all. Maybe I’m missing a chromosome or something. If I see someone with a baby, I walk by without a second look. Now if someone has a puppy or a kitten, I lose my f*****g mind. I guess I’m just more suited to be a pet parent. We’re in our mid-late 40’s and have never regretted not having kids.

Image source: FishermanUsed2842


Image source: leadthemwell, Kaboompics.com

In this economy?!


The world is just becoming a worse and worse place.

Pollution, global warming, fighting, increasing hate, intolerance.

I grew up in the 80s and 90s which was a great era and there is no way I could ever provide kids the same happiness, joy and bright future that I had.

Image source: c00750ny3h


Children suck… while it’s not their fault at all, they’re a chronic k**l joy, wildly expensive, often remove parents from their identity, namely primary caregivers (mothers). Having one so I’ll be taken care of when I’m old is not a compelling enough argument. Everyone talks about why people don’t want children, what about why they do? Children are the epitome of indulgence and often poorly timed and planned.

Image source: Tasty-Pollution-Tax


Because they’re gross, annoying, get you sick from a single day at school, cost too much money, are a hindrance on freedom in your life, plus seeing people these days with mini a******s they let do whatever is a deterrent enough. Honestly people with kids should just keep them at home more. No one wants to hear your screaming child. It’s obnoxious.

Image source: theogpskyi


Image source: hosenmitblumen, Getty Images

It’s a trap. When I watch people with children, my friends, but also my mother, I see not one single thing enticing enough to make me want to have them. All I see is misery and prison.

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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childfree, children, life without children, people who don't want children, reasons for being childfree