25 Funny, Awkward, And Downright Bizarre Celebrity Encounters That Fans Will Never Forget

Published 7 hours ago

Celebrities often seem larger than life, but every now and then, they remind us that they’re just as weird, awkward, or hilarious as the rest of us. When someone on Reddit asked, “What is your weirdest/funniest interaction with a celebrity?” the responses did not disappoint. From unexpected encounters to bizarre conversations, here are some of the most entertaining answers Reddit had to offer.

These stories remind us that even the biggest celebrities can be just as unpredictable and hilarious as the rest of us. Whether it’s Bill Murray stealing fries or Keanu Reeves being effortlessly cool, these encounters are proof that you never know what to expect when you run into a famous face.

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Image source: Mr_Snuts

My brother was at comic con and went to the bathroom and was taking a leak at the urinal..he looks and see’s its pretty much empty so he lets out a huge fart..then he hears, “RIGHT BACK ATCHA BRO” and a HUGEEEE fart come from the stalls. Washes his hands and Jason Mewes walks out of the stall..


Image source: peecatchwho, Gage Skidmore

Harrison Ford asked me and my dad for directions. We were filling up the car at a local gas station, and a big, white SUV pulls up close to us. A tall man gets out, and dad realizes he’s walking up to us… so he stops, turns around, and has the “HOLY S**T, IT’S HARRISON FORD” moment. Ford was really nice, and asked us for directions to the airport. My dad, being a jokester, told him that he never expected Indiana Jones to be lost in a little town like Morristown, to which Harrison replied, “Ah, Indiana Jones has been lost *several* times, sir. Thanks for the directions.”

Great day.


Image source: consensualbestiality, Alan Light

This will get buried, but it’s a good story. When I was a wee lad, my father kind of sucked. Well, really sucked. So at one point in my childhood, I decided to recruit a new father: Jack Tripper, from Three’s Company. (To my child brain, he’d be the coolest dad in the world!) So I wrote to John Ritter, asking him to be my new dad.

And he wrote back. About a thousand times. See, over the next several years, I wrote to him several times a week. And he answered each and every letter, not with a form letter and a picture, but an actual letter asking about how i was doing in school, giving me advice, etc.

In short, I sort of hijacked John Ritter as a father. We kept in touch until I went off to college. I didn’t cry when my real dad died, but John Ritter’s death tore me up.

That man is God.


Image source: caltrask55, Harald Krichel

My friend and I always “call out” everyday people that we think look like famous people. Example: see a red head “Hey look! It’s Ron Howard!”. We were in a bar in Boston and I saw a guy at the bar and I go “Hey look! It’s Sean Penn”. She goes “Bad call. Looks nothing like him”. I look closer and go “Holy s**t! It IS Sean Penn!”. So I go up and thinking I am all cool I start talking to the guy who was with him. Sean eventually just turns to me, puts out his hand and says “Hi. I’m Sean”. I am dying inside but trying to play it cool. We start talking and I tell him how I am a big fan of his but also his brother Michael Penn (musician). He proceeds to pull out his cell phone, call his brother and he hands me the phone!!! So I am talking to Michael Penn on Sean Penns cell phone. Michael tells me to call Sean “Sean-ie” cause he hates that. I do it and Sean cracks up laughing. Seriously one of the best nights of my life and why Sean Penn will always be ok in my book.


Image source: ThisIsBatCountry, Raph_PH

I posted this once before but it bears repeating. One night I was downtown playing music on the square. I looked up as a couple walked past and realized it was Paul McCartney and his ladyfriend. I remember saying something like ‘How’s it going paul, want a cigarette?’ He replied ‘No thanks, I don’t smoke but how a bout a song as we’re walking past’ so I played ‘Don’t think twice’ by Bob Dylan and he sat next to me and sang the whole thing. Then he got up, gave my shoulder a squeeze and said ‘thanks, see ya’ -or something to that effect. As he walked away I played the opening notes to ‘Day Tripper’ and he shook his finger at me and made a noise like ‘hey now, that’s one of mine’. It wasn’t ’till a few minutes later that the gravity of what had just happened really sank in. Probably the coolest jam session I’ll ever have.


Image source: xanthine_junkie, Governo do Estado de São Paulo

In California many years ago, I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger walking near the beach. He was headed to his car and I wanted to say something before he got in and left, and felt silly running towards him so I just blurted out..

“You Rock Arnold!’

With a stern look he replied simply, “I am not in a band..” but it sounded more like ‘um nod unna bond’.


Image source: frackincylon, Angela George

My family and I bumped into Richard Simmons in Italy while waiting to see Michelangelo’s “David”. After getting a picture with him, he looked my dad in the eye’s and said “you are just a lovely man” and kissed him on the lips.


Image source: idlesense, David Shankbone

I saw **Tracy Morgan** walking down the street in New York City. I shouted to my friend, “HEY! Its Tracy Morgan!”

Tracy hears me turns around and says, “oh s**t! Where?” and looks around, then continues walking…


Image source: anon, Kingkongphoto & www.celebrity-photos.com

Not me, but my dad was at a conference once and was representing IBM in a booth by himself one weekend years ago in Vancouver. Anyway, just minding his own business, who comes to ask him questions but the one and only Robin Williams. He was just looking around like any other ordinary guy at the time (as Robin is a total nerd, apparently), and the conversation went something like this:

Robin: “So tell me about your products!”
Dad: *explains and somehow mentions Windows 98 coming out*
Robin: “You don’t speak Japanese do you?”
Dad: “Oh hell no.”
Robin: “The only reason I ask is that I went to Japan and ordered all of this blackmarket software, Windows and stuff, but it all came back in Japanese! Can’t use the f*****g thing!”
Dad laughing: “You could always just phone me and I’ll get you a free copy?”
Robin: “Is it because I’m famous?”
Dad: “You’re… famous?”
*Robin Williams does that I-see-what-you-did-there stare and then laughs*
Dad: “Here’s my number. Call me this week. English only.”

And that’s how my dad gave Robin Williams pirated 90’s software. Believe it or not, dad does love Robin Williams a whole bunch and was freaking out on the inside, but kept it cool and just joked with him and ended up grabbing coffee the following week and giving him a free copy of Windows 98 he snagged from the office. It’s the only claim to fame that my family has, and it’s refreshing to know that even celebrities can be down-to-earth with normal, working class guys. I could get him to relay the conversation they had over coffee (as he said he hasn’t laughed harder in his life), but that’s another story!


Image source: Mildcorma, TechCrunch

Nobody’s met a rapper?

My best mate managed a bar in London (this was just after the smoking ban had come into play). It was a nice gig with plenty of richer people and the occasional B lister making an appearance.

One night however, Snoop Dogg books the entire VIP area out for him and his entourage! They buy out all the champers so my mate has to go get some more, party like mad men, the usual. When my mate comes back in, he sees the barman looking a bit uncomfortable and he asks whats up. “Snoop Dogg is smoking”. Huh, fancy that, the Dogg has a f*****g gigantic cuban in his mouth and he’s puffing away. Well, the law being the law and my mate not wanting to lose his license, he goes over to Snoop.

“Hi Mr, er, Dogg… I hate to inform you that smoking is illegal in clubs and bars now, so you’ll have to extinguish your cigar or you’ll be fined”

Snoop looks at him like he’s taking the p**s, sighs and says

“Mother f****r! How much is the fine?”


He just hands my mate £2000 and keeps smoking….


I interned at a movie studio that was ran by Morgan Freeman. As I was sitting at the front desk, reading scripts and manning the phone Morgan entered the bathroom.

After about 10 minutes, he comes out, starts wafting his arms around, looks me dead in the eye and says,

“I’d give it about a year.”

I pretty much lost it and couldn’t remain professional after such a great comment came out of God’s mouth.

Image source: actioncomicbible


Image source: HSoup, Raph_PH

Sting came into the strip club where I worked. I didn’t speak to him, though I did see him and he wasn’t up to dress code (shorts, flip-flops [who the f**k wears flip-flops in a strip club?]), but he’s Sting, and celebrities can be good for business.

He went into a private room with some of the dancers. Some of the waitresses were complaining about him; asking for comps, not tipping, being grabby, etc. Then a few of the dancers complained. The GM had heard enough. He confronted him and Sting threw a hissy fit. GM told him he had to leave.

Sting starts leaving but is throwing out standard celebrity threats, “I’ll ruin this f*****g club”, “I’m going to tell everyone how I was treated here”, etc.

As Sting neared the exit, the GM waited for just the right second to have the last word and yelled, “Stay the f**k out of my club, I don’t care if you are Rod Stewart!”. I like to think, of all the things you could say to a egotistical celebrity, misidentifying him has to hurt the worst. I loved that GM.


Image source: BettiePaige, nicolas genin

Paris Hilton gave me a ride home. Well, her driver, not her. But she was in the car. We all left a club in LA and were all drunk, she said she thought my friends and I were cool and didn’t want us to pay for a cab home so she dropped us all off. Needless to say, it was a funny night.


Image source: thebosstonian, Mark Taylor

I don’t remember it, but my dad insists this is true: When I was 4 years old I saw Whoopi Goldberg at the grocery store (mind you this was in the early 90s so it was arguably the peak of her career) so approached her and said “Wow, you’re ALMOST as famous as the Ninja Turtles!!”.


Image source: samantharrrr, Adam Chitayat

This will probably get buried, but my friend had Bill Murray parallel park her car for her.

Seriously. She was near Abbott Kinney and trying desperately to parallel park her car on the street (anyone from LA who’s been there will get what a clusterfuck this can be). Anyway, who comes walking by but Bill Murray and his dog. Being the awesome person he is (and also probably because my friend is really pretty), he stops, knocks on her car window, and when she rolls it down, asks if he can help her out. She takes his offer, he parks her car beautifully while she hangs out with his dog. After he was done, he walked off into the sunset.


**TL;DR – main chick from movie “soul surfer” is a b***h and tried to close the elevator on us; Helen Hunt came to the rescue and put the b***h in her place.**

The movie “Soul Surfer” was being filmed at the Turtle Bay Resort (Hawaii, north shore) while I was there for my wedding.

Soon-to-be wife and I had gotten a room by ourselves for a day, before we moved over to a house we were renting. In the morning, we notice them filming out on the beach and see the (admittedly extremely hot) main character chick and Helen Hunt filming some stupid scene; so we knew they were there.

Fast forward about 7 hours – late that afternoon, we are heading up to our room from the bar. We are walking to the elevators, and low-and-behold blonde star chick was in the elevator; she proceeds to lean over and hammer the close door button after glancing and giving us a dirty look. The door starts to close as we are walking/fast-walking up to it. We are f****d – this b***h just purposely did the “close door maneuver” on us.

Nope! Helen Hunt to the rescue – she surprisingly was also in the elevator (didn’t see her), jumps forward and sneaks her arm into the door – holding it open for us. Awkwardly silent elevator ride ensues.

Image source: jaynus


Not mine but…

A friend was on a layover in Charlotte, NC on his way home for Christmas when he noticed Samuel L. Jackson standing by himself.

Chuck* approached the actor and, not wanting to be a squealing fan, says, “Mr. Jackson, I don’t mean to bother you, but I just wanted to say I really appreciate your movies. You’ve done great wonders teaching me how to swear more.”

Sammy J. chuckles and proceeds to have a nice conversation for a few minutes. My friend turns to leave to catch his flight. As he starts to walk away, Samuel L. Jackson yells across the terminal: **”Hey Chuck! MERRY F*****G CHRISTMAS!”**.

Image source: Mitch_Deadberg


Image source: therxbandit, Shed On The M / flickr

I was staying at a hotel in Salt Lake City when I was 17 with family. We were preparing to go to dinner, and I was eager to leave, so I decided to go down the hotel lobby and wait for my parents there. I went to the elevator, got in, and the doors began to close.

Right as the doors were about to close, BAM, an arm comes shooting in-between the doors. The doors retract back to reveal Adam West. He gets in the elevator with me, looks to make sure I’m going to the lobby, smiles, looks and me and says, “…Good.”

After about 4 flights, he looks at me and says, “Man, I’m starving!”
I reply, “HEH. YEAH, ME TOO.”

The doors open, he turns directly to me, and says, “have a good dinner, son”, and exits the elevator.

No one believed me.


Image source: Klippyyy, kowarski

I went to Flavor Flav’s son’s birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.

EDIT: For context, he’s my grandparent’s neighbor. He loves my grandparents and always invites them to shows he’s going to be at or events and so we were visiting them and he came over to see if we wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese for his son’s birthday. Nobody wanted to go but me and my grandma, so we went and he wore his big clock and his neon green shirt that he always wears, but he’s actually fairly normal when the cameras aren’t around. I have a picture of him and I that day. I’ll try to find it and get it up here.


Image source: thelovepirate, David Shankbo / flickr

At Bonnaroo I met Zach Braff.

He had just gotten done doing a Q&A for Garden State, and I was waiting in line to go to Aziz Ansari’s Q&A for 30 Minutes or Less which was right after Braff’s thing.

Well, Braff leaves his Q&A and sees people waiting outside for Aziz. He is on the opposite side of the fence, so none of us can reach him. He hops on top of a garbage can, that was against the fence, so that you could see only the top half of his body. I was the first one to spot him, so I run over to him as fast as I possibly can. I climb a different trash can against the fence, and me and Zach Braff are literally inches away from each other, a fence the only thing in between us.

We look at each other, he laughs. He grabs both my hands and whispers into my ear, “I’ll never let you go Jack, I’ll never let you go.”

He then hugs me, waves at everyone rushing towards him, and hops down from the garbage can, and vanishes.

What an awesome guy. He seemed so excited to see his fans, he had the biggest smile on his face.


Image source: justinly, Gage Skidmore

I was flying to japan when I was very young. Being in an airport and having to wait made me very agitated. I began throwing a tantrum and the man beside me asked if he could play with me and my toys. Little did I know that man was Jackie Chan.


Image source: Im_Aunt_Irma

Was watching a US World Cup match in a hotel bar in Frankfurt when a familiar looking redhead walks in and stands at the bar next to my friend and I. He had a wheelie suitcase with him and a fully stuffed backpack on, so I figured he was on his way to the airport and stopping in to catch the game before hopping on the S-Bahn. I made some flippant comment about the match to him (I think it was US v BRA?) and he returned the sarcasm, so I offered to buy him a drink.

He grins and says, “Yeah sure, why not.” So I order the beers, we chat and as he finishes up he says, “I have to catch a train, it was nice talking with you.”
And I say, “It was great chatting with you too, Alan.”

Then he kinda stares at me and asks how long I’d known who he was. I grin and say the entire time and he gives me a big ol’ hug and says, “Thanks for being quiet about it.” And was on his way.

**TL;DR- Bought Alan Tudyk a beer while he was promoting Serenity in Germany and he’s a seriously awesome dude.**.


Got high with Kelly Osborne and listened to her talk speakerphone with her father. They may be the one case of reality television portraying people accurately.

Image source: HalluciChrist


On a family vacation to Europe years ago, I was maybe 16 and saw Michael Stipe (lead singer of REM) on the Chunnel. He was seated in the coach section, between a large man who was reading the newspaper and a woman who was desperately trying to keep her small child calm in her lap. He was basically curled up into a small ball. I guess he didn’t really have any options because he would have certainly lost the battle for the arm rests. I guess the weird/funny part of this story is that I would have assumed he would have been in the first-class section or had at least booked himself two seats. Nope, he sardined himself. Anyways, he did not seem bothered by the situation whatsoever. He signed an autograph for me and addressed ir specifically to me while also including his thoughts on left-handed people (he had noticed I was left-handed). He was really nice and friendly. We talked about what kind of music he listened to. We talked about Bjork. I liked REM before that day. I loved REM after that day.

Image source: coffeecupashtray


My family is friends with Bruce Springsteen and his family because my mom grew up with him and his siblings, and apparently when i was a baby the first time he held me I peed on him…

Image source: Acidgypsy

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

Got wisdom to pour?



celebrities, celebrity encounters, celebrity interactions, Celebs, funny celebrity encounters, interesting stories