Spooky Watercolor And Ink Cats Flowing Onto Canvas By Endre Penovác
The cat is the internet’s favorite animal, and Endre Penovác, an artist in Serbia, likes painting (among other things) translucent watercolor kitties. It’s a match made in Heaven! Or perhaps not exactly heaven – his heavily diluted watercolor pigments and black ink make for cats that, though fuzzy, are also ghostly and dark. Some of these kitties seem to lack substance, as if they’re fading in or out of existence.
If there’s any artist that can paint Mr. Schrodinger’s famous cat, this is the man.
More info: penovacendre.com | Saatchi Art | Facebook (h/t: thisiscolossal)
Got wisdom to pour?
Great. I absolutely LOVE black cats– in fact, my own dark-furred feline is turning fifteen tomorrow! These reminded me a lot of her.