“High Fashion?”: 25 Styling Risks That Paid Off

Published 3 days ago

In a world full of highly opinionated people, it can take guts to go against the norm. Especially when it comes to fashion, there are some strict ideas on the do’s and don’ts of high fashion. But each of us is blessed with a different body shape, height and colour, which doesn’t always suit the trendy look that’s “in” right now.

However, I’m a firm believer that if you feel comfortable in your clothes, no matter what you’re wearing, it can ooze a sense of confidence that automatically elevates your outward appearance. More people seem to be embracing their unique fashion sense by choosing to style themselves in unconventional attire that goes against the grain. While some may appear odd at first, the unusual choices come off as looking incredibly cool the longer you consider it. Scroll below to check out some of the most interesting looks spotted in public that may not be popular but impressed viewers nevertheless.

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#1 Wearing One Of My Favourite Outfits I’ve Made In Fashion School 👼

Image source: XYounes

#2 Some 70’s Flair

Image source: marcusmili

#3 The Ones That Let Their Flowers Bloom Set Apart From The Rest Of The Pack

Image source: itsenevitable35

#4 My Brother Made This Jacket, I’m Biased But I Think It Might Be The Craziest Thing I’ve Ever Seen

Image source: MasterSwamii

#5 Thank God Im A Country Boy

Image source: mayalcaulfield

#6 The Tones 🌷

Image source: CO17BABY

#7 Shen & Kern

Image source: nyc_looks

“We are wearing gothic plaid outfits created by myself. I wanted to look like a gothic Victorian queen ready for anything. Currently my style is inspired by 90s punk, 5th Element (the movie), and most anime. I like to look like I am ready for war or a fashion show.”
“I am inspired by myself. I love to wear color and express my style with my socks.”

#8 My 88-Year Old Grandpa In Rare Comme Des Garcons Shirt And Skirt

Image source: joepennyninja

My 88-year-old grandpa in Comme des Garçons Homme Plus Spring/Summer 2018 Rainbow Sequin Shirt and Comme des Garçons Spring/Summer 2021 PVC Layered Skirt. I am doing a series of photos of my grandpa dressed in archive designer clothing from my collection – styled, shot & edited by me. If interested, I’m releasing the shots on my instagram @joeyadachi

#9 Casablanca

Image source: volbeastsilludemise

#10 Friend Painted These Jeans, Just Thought You’d Like It. Also Butt

Image source: reddit.com

#11 Some Pictures At Paris

Image source: ghostsamm

#12 🟡🌸

Image source: lbs_guy2019

Cardigan-Steady hands prismo cardigan Tshirt- Pro club Shorts-thrifted Socks-nike Shoes-chunky dunks Bag-telfar Bracelets-david yurman

#13 🖤got Better Pictures In This Outfit💚

Image source: SaladKueen

Jacket, Boots, as well as the top is from Namilia. Bag: Blackcraft Cult

#14 Real Streetwear

Image source: fast-turtleCK

#15 My Mri Results Arrived… It’s A Gown! They Actually Gave Me The Gown, Guys!!

Image source: geometrieva

#16 I Made This Hoodie From A 40 Year Old Blanket And I Want To Wear It 24/7

Image source: SenmoSenmo

#17 Girlfriend Painted The Back Of My Jacket. Any Watchmen Fans Here?

Image source: Brentons_sexy_Beard

#18 S’yte X Junji Ito

Image source: commanderleen

#19 Amalfi Fit 🌸

Image source: tarachandra_

top: serpenti apparel
skirt: variety hour
bag: lazy oaf
shoes: asics
sunnies: gentle monster

#20 Full Outfit With My Hand Painted Igor Pants

Image source: currie_goat

#21 I Made This Suit From Vintage Handmade Granny Lace And Italian Cotton

Image source: dopamiineonline

#22 Shades Of Black

Image source: AloofDad

Jacket: Ottolinger Hoodie: Vintage Bag: Maison Margiela Pants: JiyongKim Shoes: Our Legacy Hat: CP Company Sunglasses: Jacques Marie Mage

#23 Made A Cropped Denim Kimono From Thrifted Jeans

Image source: dopamiineonline

#24 Koko, 33

Image source: nyc_looks

“I’m wearing a thrifted blazer and hat, paired with a Telfar bag. Architecture, shapes and playing with different textures inspire my style.”

#25 Took A Cozy Stroll In This Fit

Image source: PHiiitower

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



fashion, fashion design, fashion statements, style, unconventional fashion