25 Sneaky Corporate Marketing Tactics That Influenced Us Without Us Noticing

Published 3 days ago

Have you ever stopped to question some of the things we accept as “normal” in everyday life? Someone on Reddit did, asking: “What is something that’s considered normal today but is actually a successful propaganda campaign made by corporations?”

The responses were eye-opening, sparking discussions on how corporations shape our habits, beliefs, and even our sense of necessity. Here are some of the most interesting answers:

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Image source: Limp_Distribution, RDNE Stock project/pexels (not the actual photo)

Service charges and ATM fees at banks.


Image source: sampaggregator, Jeffry S.S./pexels (not the actual photo)

“Premium economy” seating in airplanes. It’s what regular economy seating should be.


Image source: anon, Miriam Alonso/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Expensive skincare.
That $300 moisturizing cream doesn’t necessarily have better ingredients than a $10 cream.


Image source: no_seas_carepicha, Kaboompics.com/pexels (not the actual photo)

Women’s razors. Marketing shaving to women and convincing them and the rest of the population that being hairless was more feminine.


Image source: solicitorpenguin, 𝒮 𝐴 ℛ 𝐴 ℋ ✿/unsplash (not the actual photo)

That suing McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on yourself is a frivolous lawsuit and an example of why corporations need more protection against lawsuits

To clarify the point–the hot coffee lawsuit was not frivolous and thinking it is is corporate propaganda.


Image source: are_motherf*cker, TienDat Nguyen/unsplash (not the actual photo)

The idea that workers discussing their salaries is impolite.


Image source: CreativelySeeking, Zbynek Burival/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Oil corporations have convinced millions of Americans that there is doubt about climate change. They used the same tactic that the tobacco industry used to sow doubt about the harmfulness of smoking cigarettes.
Cigarettes are deadly and so is climate change.
Now they have retreated to OK there is climate change but it’s just a natural cycle. That’s not what scientists say, but unfortunately for us all there are millions of Americans who believe Sean Hannity over scientists.


Image source: throwaway-permanent, Antoine GIRET/unsplash (not the actual photo)

That we the consumers are at fault for all of the plastic waste in the world. It is a free rider problem — and the corporations are not paying for the harm they have done and are continuing to do to the world.


Image source: kniblack, Andre Jackson/unsplash (not the actual photo)

The need for diamond engagement rings.


Image source: ExaemTurkey, Becca McHaffie/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Fast fashion. it needs to die. not only is it an overheating unsustainable system. it promotes waist, and you end up spending more money on them anyway in the long run. it is better to make a small wardrobe of a few well-made clothes that fit you well and will last a long time over sometimes literal plastic.


Image source: Steff_164, Josh Rocklage/unsplash (not the actual photo)

“Warning, this product may cause bleeding, swelling, hair loss, thoughts of s*****e depression, cancer, anal leakage, and death”

Meanwhile it shows a bunch of happy people playing frisbee in the park with grandma.


Image source: Ubermassive, Ali Inay/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Breakfast foods are only for breakfast and that’s all you’re supposed to eat in the morning. I had clam chowder for breakfast my first day living alone at 17. F**k the system.


Image source: Inferi82, Pixabay/pexels (not the actual photo)

Planned obsolescence in technology.

You mean how most technology literally quits working every few years? Cause I’m getting sick of being literally forced to buy a new phone every 2-3 years because the old one wont turn on anymore.


Image source: mdoktor, Caroline McFarland/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Clovers being weeds I read a while back that most w**d killers can’t differentiate between clovers and other weeds they just k**l all of them so companies began emphasizing clovers as a w**d so they could still sell their chemicals

I learned this fact on reddit tho so take it with a grain of salt.

You may have learned it on reddit, but it’s true. Clover and other common, lawn-healthy broadleaf plants were demonized by agrichemical companies so that they could sell herbicide chemicals. Here is a wonderful, readable source that will make you and your green space more healthy.

Clover is great for your lawn because it fixes nitrogen. Farmers rotate nitrogen-fixing plants into their fields because grains (like grass) gradually deplete nitrogen. Nobody would need to fertilize their lawn if they just left the f*****g clover there.

Fun fact (not actually fun) is the herbicides were designed to k**l German potato crops and Japanese rice crops in World War II. They were never used that way in the end, but to this day we are spraying our lawns with chemicals originally designed as weapons to threaten civilian food security. WWII was f*cked up.


Image source: Unleashtheducks, Vika Glitter/pexels (not the actual photo)

Separate toys for boys and girls.


Image source: surrrah, cottonbro studio/pexels (not the actual photo)

American exceptionalism and individualism

Also, the idea that your work ethic (or rather how much time you give your job) is what gives you value.


Image source: xxi_tmid, freepik (not the actual photo)

The food pyramid was created in 1977 as the (heavily influenced by companies) USDA made new dietary recommendations to cut out fat and replace it with “heart healthy” starches and carbs. It actually led to a growth in obesity rates.


Image source: LongHello, Ian Hutchinson/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Sorry, I keep writing these because I can’t sleep.

The whole notion that government is inefficient and incompetent, a drag on business.

I’m no communist, but there is always a role for government in a well-run economy. Business may be more efficient, but why do we focus on efficiency to the exclusion of all other considerations? What about robustness? What about fairness? Businesses are not incented to improve society, only their position within it. Government should act as counterweight to ensure a Leviathan like Amazon does not sink us.

As for the incompetence of government, all I will say is this. I’ve worked as a consultant to government and now in Big Tech. I’ve seen as much, if not more, incompetence here than I worked in the public sector.


Image source: Thanks-Noob_noob, freestocks/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Valentine’s day!


Image source: mismiami97, Sharefaith/pexels (not the actual photo)

Y’all don’t hate me for this – US military commercials.


Image source: Donilltrump, Linda Xu/unsplash (not the actual photo)

The war on d***s.


Image source: lil_bway, Get Lost Mike/pexels (not the actual photo)

The white picket fence American dream. It was actually a propaganda campaign on the 50s to try and get women out of the workforce so men returning from war would have jobs to go back to.


Image source: ChangetheGame20, Harper Sunday/pexels (not the actual photo)

Pink anything for women…


Image source: freedom4dads, Aleisha Kalina/unsplash (not the actual photo)

The standard American diet.


Image source: reejimusprime, Christina @ wocintechchat.com/unsplash (not the actual photo)

The fact that sharing your salary with your colleagues in the same position as you is taboo.

Some companies I’ve worked for have gone so far as to put it in their handbook as a rule. It’s just them trying to cheap out as much as possible. Because when I bring up the fact that the new hire makes more than I do after gaining seniority, suddenly they want to be mad at me.

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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capitalism, marketing, marketing tricks, propaganda, sneaky propaganda