25 Fundamental Concepts That Way Too Many People Misunderstand

Published 1 week ago

Reddit is a treasure trove of insightful discussions, and one question that recently sparked a thought-provoking conversation was: “What’s something critical that a disturbing number of people don’t know?” The responses ranged from shocking to surprisingly simple facts that too many people overlook. Here are some of the most important and mind-boggling answers shared by Redditors.

From life-saving medical knowledge to financial wisdom, this Reddit thread highlighted just how many critical facts often go ignored.

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Image source: GrowthDowntown8645, Maxim Ilyahov/unsplash (not the actual photo)

How to spot misinformation. Way too many people believe anything they see on social media without questioning the source or verifying facts.


Image source: surveyor2004, JÉSHOOTS/pexels (not the actual photo)

Driving in general. It’s disturbing that the amount of people who don’t know how to work a 4 way stop sign, park in a parking lot, change lanes, or simply back up.


Giving tax cuts to the wealthy does not create jobs or improved economic conditions for the non-wealthy.

Image source: RainCityRogue


Image source: Amiiboid, Andy Li/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Tariffs aren’t paid by the country they target.


Image source: palekillerwhale, Alena Darmel/pexels (not the actual photo)

Don’t let rogue billionaires hijack your federal payment systems.


Image source: supremez-, Unseen Studio/unsplash (not the actual photo)

A disturbing number of people seem to lack basic literacy.


Image source: NitrosGone803, Levi Damasceno/pexels (not the actual photo)

Don’t put water on a grease fire.


Image source: DisabledButts, Cliff Booth/pexels (not the actual photo)

Women have 3 holes in their private area. As a woman, you would be shocked at how many of my female friends growing up did not know that.


Image source: saintsithney, Josh Appel/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Disability is a numbers game.

If you live long enough, you WILL become disabled in some way.

The human mind keeps us from processing this as fact, because our brains prefer to believe that our Special Wonderful Specialness and Superior Logic will make us the exception that proves the rule, but it never will. Ever.

You, just like every other being on this planet, will experience death or physical breakdown followed by eventual death.

There is no way to escape it.

The only thing you can do is try to make disabled lives easier, with the knowledge that it will be you someday.


Image source: Ninakittycat, cottonbro studio/pexels (not the actual photo)

When to STFU.


Politicians don’t actually care about the people they represent.

Image source: paulrand18


Image source: peach_dragon, Laudyer Batista/pexels (not the actual photo)

That you should walk on the side of oncoming traffic.


Basic critical thinking.

Image source: chickensaurus


Image source: GrinningPariah, Dillon Kydd/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Garage door springs will f*****g k**l you. Do not mess with them.


Image source: Sad_Cow_577, william william/unsplash (not the actual photo)

99% of Americans don’t know what a tariff is.


Image source: BeautifulStaarr, Andrea Piacquadio/pexels (not the actual photo)

A lot of people don’t realize just how bad sleep deprivation can be for your health. It messes with your immune system, your heart, and can even mess with your brain long term. Honestly, a lot of people think it’s no big deal, but it really is, especially if you’re constantly running on little sleep.


Image source: LSama, Patrick Hendry/unsplash (not the actual photo)

The EPA was formed because in 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Cleaveland caught on fire for the *13th* time since 1868. The source of the fires was the non-stop toxic waste that factories in Cleaveland were dumping into the river. As a result of the EPA’s development, factories were suddenly expected to deal with their waste in a way that didn’t harm the environment.

Companies and factories didn’t want to comply with those orders and, as a result, a ton of our manufacturing factory work was suddenly outsourced because other countries didn’t have environmental restrictions. When other companies realized this was a much cheaper option, they followed suit. So just think: tons of Americans lost their jobs because companies didn’t want to spend the money it would take to stop dumping waste from their factory into the environment.

That’s how f****d up the US is.

Edit for Pt. II: The Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington state has been leaking toxic waste since as early as the 1970s. It is leaking more now, understandably; despite the fact the site is decommissioned, there’s still a metric assload of waste there, a lot of which is in underground plumes. Said plumes have been eroding away at the interior and are slowly making their way towards the Columbia River, the 8th larger river in the US. Should these plumes reach the river, a LOT of toxic waste is going to be leaking into the river.

That’s how f****d up the US is.


Image source: Dahlia_and_Rose, Matt Palmer/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Climate change is real, and both the GOP and Dems wanted to do something about it prior to a massive astroturfing campaign ran by the Koch brothers.

Literally everyone saying that global warming isn’t human induced is either paid by the Kochs to say that, or someone who fell for their propaganda.


Image source: fuzzyloulou, David Dibert/pexels (not the actual photo)

How the US government works.


Image source: lestairwellwit, Carolina Heza/unsplash (not the actual photo)

Head injuries k**l

If you or someone you know has been hit hard enough to pass out or loose consciousness , seek a doctor. Brain bleeds are a silent killer.

If you fall and hit your head, seek help

If something else falls and hits your head, get checked out.

I cringe at the videos of someone being knocked out in a street fight. Get checked out.


Having the right to do something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t also come with responsibility.

Image source: trainsacrossthesea


Congress can lie even in hearings without consequences.

Image source: CommitteeLanky1047


Image source: MrFantastic1984, Ellie Burgin/pexels (not the actual photo)

Don’t mix cleaning solutions. Bleach mixed with vinegar or ammonia based chemicals will create dangerous gasses that can be lethal.


Image source: Literate-Booklice, freepik (not the actual photo)

You don’t drive better drunk or h**h.


Image source: swest26, David Suarez/unsplash (not the actual photo)

If you sit in the passenger seat of a car with your feet resting on the dashboard, and the airbag goes off, it forces your feet up and through the window, often severing your feet.

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

Got wisdom to pour?



basic facts, basic knowledge, common sense, knowledge, knowledge blind spots