26 Of The World’s Most Extraordinary Libraries That Every Book Worm Will Love
For us book worms, libraries are sacred places that can be nearly impossible to leave once you enter. They are filled with decades or even centuries worth of knowledge, and the smell of old paper is often overwhelming for the faint of heart.
Sure, the ancient libraries should be on your traveling list, but there are also plenty of new ones that are already considered to be pearls of modern architecture.
This list covers the most impressive old and new libraries around the world!
via: boredpanda.com
The National Library Of Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Photo credits: bookwilde.org
Trinity College Library, Dublin, Ireland
Photo credits: rostad.com
Biblioteca Real Gabinete Portugues De Leitura, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Photo credits: Boris G
St. Florian Monastery, Austria
Photo credits: Renate Dodell
The Admont Library, Admont, Austria
Photo credits: Benediktinerstift Admont
George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Photo credits: wikipedia.org
Handelingenkamer Tweede Kamer Der Staten-generaal Den Haag Iii, Netherlands
Photo credits: phillips.com
Austrian National Library, Vienna, Austria
Photo credits: onb.ac.at
Biblioteca Joanina, Coimbra, Portugal
Photo credits: Will Pryce
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University, Connecticut, USA
Photo credits: Michael Marsland
Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Paris, France
Photo credits: Franck Bohbot
The Old Public Library Of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Photo credits: Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County
The Iowa State Law Library, Iowa, USA
Photo credits: legis.iowa.gov
The City Libary, Stuttgart, Germany
Photo credits: Philipp Hilpert
The Oberlausitzische Library Of Science, Gorlitz, Germany
Photo credits: goerlitzer-anzeiger.de
Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève, Paris, France
Photo credits: Franck Bohbot
New York Public Library
Photo credits: David Markovič
Walker Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Photo credits: Andrew Moore
Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” Library, Iasi, Romania
Photo credits: Dan-Ovidiu Boncut
St John’s College Library, Cambridge, UK
Photo credits: The Pale Side Of Insomnia
The Library Of Congress, Washington, D.C., USA
Photo credits: osubmarinoamarelo.com
Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris, France
Photo credits: Franck Bohbot
Vennesla Library, Vennesla, Norway
Photo credits: Helen & Hard
The National Library Of China, Beijing, China
Photo credits: fcpe.lyceeplcourier.over-blog.com
Harper Library, USA
Photo credits: Justin Kern
Palácio Nacional De Mafra, Portugal
Photo credits: tcidraes
Got wisdom to pour?
Absolutely captivating! This article delves into the mesmerizing world of libraries, showcasing 26 of the most extraordinary ones that are sure to enchant any bookworm. From architectural marvels to historical treasures, each library highlighted in this piece offers a unique and enriching experience.
Absolutely captivating! This article delves into the mesmerizing world of libraries, showcasing 26 of the most extraordinary ones that are sure to enchant any bookworm. From architectural marvels to historical treasures, each library highlighted in this piece offers a unique and enriching experience. The vivid descriptions and stunning visuals truly bring these literary havens to life, igniting a sense of wanderlust and appreciation for the written word. Whether you’re a bibliophile or simply cu
Realmente extraordinaria Librería!
Extraordinary indeed!! Amazing architecture!!