40 Revealing Pics Of Everyday Moments In The USA

Published 16 hours ago

Most of us have grown up watching American movies, which has created a certain image of the country. It’s a land where dreams come true; the people are caught in a rat race in the search for success, yet loyalty to the country is incredibly strong. But that’s not all the USA is about. Many aspects of American life fit into unexpected stereotypes according to the following collection of images. So scroll below to enjoy this humourous take on all the little things that are unique to America.

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#1 “We Don’t Know Your Address”

Image source: koreydior

#2 Florida Teacher Here. This Is Our School’s “Library” Now

Image source: missmyrajv

Florida passed a law that said no books can be displayed in a school until they’ve been reviewed and approved by an appointed team. If a teacher shows a book that has not been approved, they could be charged with a felony.

#3 United States Of Convenience

Image source: ManLikeGinola

#4 The Bill For My Liver Transplant – Welcome To The USA

Image source: no_not_like_that

#5 It Finally Happened. I Was Prompted To Tip At The Airport Self-Checkout Station

Image source: _seaweed_

#6 I Was Forced To Throw Away Bags Of Bread While At Work. There Is A Homeless Shelter Two Miles From Where I Work. All Of This Food Wasted

Image source: SpartenTie

#7 $12,000 Worth Of Cancer Pills

Image source: reddit.com

#8 Is It Like That Right Now In America?

Image source: Stepbro_canhelp

#9 This Is America

Image source: radiofreegeorgy

#10 Alabama Banned Abortions

Image source: bluefishredsea

#11 Bulletproof Backpack Inserts

Image source: itsnotlookinggood

#12 Not Sure If This Belongs Here But In My Opinion, This Is The Real Problem With America

Image source: jade_phoenix7

#13 A Final Warning To Protestors In The Mall Of America

Image source: beet111

#14 Does Anyone Else Hate That We’ve Normalized Not Putting Back Your Cart? I Just Find It Lazy (In The US)

Image source: Kingstatuss

#15 Drove To An Urgent Care To Have My Throat Looked At, Got To An Exam Room, And Learned They Were Only Doing Telehealth Visits When They Wheeled This In

Image source: Iswitt

#16 This Classy Individual Climbed On Our Porch To Steal Our Flag Today. Then Promptly Threw It Into A Mud Puddle

Image source: Betterwithhoney

#17 A Normal Education In America

Image source: PhtevenHawking

#18 “Not Medically Necessary”

Image source: _TallieRose

#19 I Had To Pay $39.35 To Hold My Baby After He Was Born

Image source: halfthrottle

#20 On Hold With Covered California For Over 11 Hours Because They Canceled Our Health Insurance

Image source: tristpa2

#21 Paid Leave By Country

Image source: npjprods

#22 This Bill Is Crazy

Image source: HaggertyNews

#23 This Year, Give Your Special Someone The Gift Of Accessing The American Healthcare System

Image source: RumHam2010

#24 First Child Support Payment In Three Years. I Asked My Ex Why He Paid Only Fifty Cents, And He Showed Me The Receipt Where He Paid $300. The State Of Michigan Kept $299.50 In Fees

Image source: CruelTasteOfLust

#25 The Guy On The Left Has Had A Slew Of Signs Like This

Image source: 3aTroop

#26 America’s Response To The COVID-19 Global Pandemic All Boiled Down To One Picture

Image source: jcepiano

#27 A Gun Store And A Daycare Center Sharing The Same Building. God Bless America

Image source: reddit.com

#28 America In 4 Words

Image source: NO_LAH_WHERE_GOT

#29 Only In America

Image source: samababa

#30 Screw You, USA Today

Image source: ash109114

#31 Can We Ban This From Our Beaches

Image source: alfhernandez16

#32 Classic America

Image source: cmikailli

#33 Cool

Image source: shortney0006

#34 Only In America Would A Restaurant Display On The Wall That They Don’t Pay Their Staff Enough To Live On

Image source: M7plusoneequalsm8

#35 America: A Nation Of Many Layers

Image source: dhowe100

#36 Just Got My $39k Hospital Bill For Having A Stroke At 34

Image source: jpegjoshua

#37 Meanwhile, In California

Image source: 3LlamasInATrenchCoat

#38 What My School Gave Its Teachers For Teacher Appreciation Week. Seven Starburst And A Square Foot Of Bubble Wrap. Score

Image source: rjyanco

#39 What’s The Point Of Putting A Paper Lid If There’s Plastic Under It?

Image source: rayneedshelpMentally

#40 Got Charged 9k For A Doctor To Tell Me It Was Just Period Cramps, And After Going To Another Doctor It Was A Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

Image source: Carlpoppa1738

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



america, Only In America, photos, USA, USA pic