40 Creative And Effective Ways People Prepared For Extreme Weather

Published 1 month ago

It’s not dumb if it works. Sometimes people have to use what’s around them in to create makeshift safety precautions for their property when dealing with extreme weather. oftentimes, there is very little prior warning so folks are forced to resort to using whats available on hand when making their preparations. Saving money on property damage from serious storms is certainly no joke, but sometimes the contraptions people come up with on the spot can be quite amusing. But while the outcome may look hilariously ridiculous, if it works then who has the last laugh?

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#1 Pool Noodle Hail Protection

Image source: reddit.com

#2 A Bike For Rainy Weather

Image source: AngryPandaPolka

#3 My Mom Has 5 Sets Of China (Don’t Ask) And Put Them In Her Pool Prior To Being Evacuated From Fires In Northern California. The Dishware Survived

Image source: grap112ler

#4 Hail Protection For Starlink Disk

Image source: XRS-2200

Yesterday the weather forecast predicted hail, so I wanted to protect the dish in the event of hail. I used a piece of foam and the dish installation bag I got with my post-installation kit. I just covered it and left it in place for the night.
It did slow down performance, but I was able to remove it easily the next day, without issue. Cheap and effective.

#5 How Did They Lift The Car High Enough To Slide The Trampoline Under It?

Image source: CCatguy

#6 Courier’s Hail Prevention

Image source: mikdatca

#7 Possibly There’s No Better Way To Use Your Inflatable Mattress

Image source: Jessica Altamos

#8 Preparing For Hurricane Dorian In Hialeah

Image source: sergiotorrensdrummer

#9 Building Some Shade Cloth-Covered Protectors For My Plants This Year, As I Don’t Want A Repeat Of Last Year’s Hail Damage

Image source: Vlammenzee

#10 A Jeep Owner In Dallas Covered Their Wrangler With Air Mattresses Before A Hail Storm

Image source: reddit.com

#11 When There’s Baseball-Sized Hail And You Park Outside

Image source: ItsAlexLuckey

#12 Hailstorm Was Expected In Istanbul. We Got A Cute Cat Instead

Image source: AL4M4N

#13 Fun Way To Protect Your Car

Image source: Cassi

#14 No Carport No Problem Filled Garbage Bags With Leaves And Rolled Them Up In The Windows To Keep Them In Place

Image source: Ashley Green

#15 It’s That Time Of The Year! Portable Shade Cloth Up

Image source: neowunda

#16 Hail Prepping

Image source: Pam Z

#17 Trash Bags Filled With Water

Image source: Farmers’ Way

#18 A Hailstorm Ripped Through This Tropical Fruit Farm On The Sunshine Coast Late Yesterday Afternoon

Image source: bruceatkinson17

#19 Hailstorm Expected In Istanbul

Image source: reddit.com

#20 My Neighbor Has A Big Inflatable Thing To Protect His Car From Hail

Image source: IronRectangle

#21 Hail Protector On And I’m Ready For Tonight

Image source: Tamadrummer88

Got caught in some pea-sized hail earlier, but luckily there was no damage. But for tonight, I’m not taking chances. This thing has paid for itself three times already! It ain’t cheap, but it’s better than an insurance deductible.

#22 This Joke Works

Image source: AbbaGeebz

#23 My Neighbor’s Hail Deterrent

Image source: BrilliantChipmunk6

#24 They Are Going To End Up There Anyway

Image source: DaveCarver20

#25 Excuse The Mulch, There Was An Incoming Hail Storm A While Back

Image source: 30ktilt

#26 “Buckle Up, A Hurricane Is Coming”

Image source: StrainsFromGenomes

#27 A Secret Technique To Protect Your Car Against Flooding

Image source: TiefFickenderWert

#28 Hurricane Prep

Image source: HA1LSANTA666

#29 Well, That’s One Way To Protect Your Home From Floods

Image source: Insperayshun

#30 Preparing For The Hailstorm Tonight

Image source: mercury888

#31 Approaching Hail Storm. Can’t Fit 2 Cars In A One-Car Garage

Image source: Sam Stalos

#32 The Hurricane Chicken Hotel Is Ready For Business

Image source: alreadyreadthisbook

#33 Prepared And Ready For The Hurricane Season

Image source: the_feisty_pineapple

#34 Prepping For Tropical Storm Colin: Placed The Chairs At The Bottom Of The Pool

Image source: amelia_by_the_sea

#35 Another Hailstorm Hit Us Yesterday. I Was Grateful For The Hail Protection Netting

Image source: northernhomestead

#36 I See Your Noodle Hail Protection And Raise You… I Don’t Even Know

Image source: Flambotron

#37 How To Prepare For A Hailstorm 101

Image source: cemk38

#38 Just Texans, Who Are Preparing For A Hail Storm

Image source: cryptomeg

#39 Used Bags Of Potting Soil To Shield The Vehicle’s Sunroof In A Recent Storm

Image source: Julie Ward

#40 My Family’s Hurricane Preparation

Image source: Darthgummy0214

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



bad weather, extreme weather, property damage, weather, weather preparations