25 New Comics By Toonhole Chris That Poke Fun At Society
In the world of art and animation, few creatives manage to successfully juggle a demanding day job while pursuing their passion projects. Chris Allison, better known as Toonhole Chris, is one such artist who seamlessly balances his career in animation with his unique and offbeat comic creations.
His ability to merge these two worlds has made him a standout figure in both the animation industry and the online comic community.
More info: Instagram | toonholechris.bigcartel.com | x.com | Facebook | toonhole.com | patreon.com
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Image source: toonholechris
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Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
Image source: toonholechris
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