Architect Turns 15 Everyday Objects Into Sketches That Might Be Worth Building
Felipe de Castro is a talented architect and artist hailing from Rio de Janeiro. His unique talent is his ability to turn ordinary everyday items into extraordinary building designs. Felipe’s creative imagination has led him to create buildings inspired by things like masks, microphones, and sandwiches, which he turns into hospitals, hotels, and other amazing structures.
Felipe’s passion for drawing started when he was just a kid, and he’s always had a special ability to see incredible potential in ordinary objects. Felipe’s work challenges traditional ideas about architecture and shows us that inspiration can come from anywhere. Through his fun and imaginative designs, Felipe encourages us to look at the world in new and exciting ways.”
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
Image source: felipedecastro.arq
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