20 Captivating Photos Of Vietnam’s Landscapes By Daniel Kordan

Published 3 months ago

Vietnam, a country renowned for its stunning natural beauty and diverse landscapes, has been magnificently captured from the skies by photographer Daniel Kordan. Known for his work in some of the most remote locations on the planet, Kordan’s photography brings a unique perspective to Vietnam’s enchanting scenery.

For this post, we focus on his series ‘Vietnam from Above,’ which showcases the diverse and absolutely stunning landscapes of Southeast Asia. Scroll down to explore all the vibrant colors of this unique place, and let us know what you think about them.

More info: Instagram | danielkordan.com

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Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan


Image source: danielkordan

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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Daniel Kordan, landscape photography, photography, photos, Vietnam, Vietnam photography