40 Of The Most Uplifting Posts Shared On The “Daddit” Community

Published 3 months ago

Father’s Day is around the corner and we wanted to take a moment to appreciate all the wonderful dads in the world. Most men want to become a father at some point. Even though we know raising kids is a tough task, it’s still rewarding and rife with joy. The “Daddit” community boasts a collection of posts appreciating such wholesome dads who are proud of their children and want to share it with the world. Scroll below to check out some of their most heartwarming finds. 

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#1 Saw This In Another Sub And Struck Me As A Good Idea. Thought I’d Share Here

Image source: livefast6221

#2 Excellent Dadding Spotted In The Wild

Image source: S_Insley_H

#3 The Adoption Is Final! Welcome Home Baby Girl, Welcome To Forever!

Image source: ChrisHammer94

#4 Lpt: Remember To Keep Emergency Outfits Stashed In All Of Your Vehicles

Image source: Coelrom

#5 How Far We’ve Come. Born At 33 Weeks Weighing 3 Lbs To Now Over 10 Lbs. Still On The Small Side But She Keeps Growing And That’s All That Matters

Image source: dicksledgehammer

#6 An Accidental Home Birth! (Full Story In Comments)

Image source: wtharmon25

3.5 weeks early, we were not expecting it. Especially after 2 late babies. Contractions were too short, assumed they were Braxton Hicks (pre-contractions leading up to the real ones)…. Right up until it was too late. I think we have a couple of hours so I’m packing bags as she yells at me to call 911. Yep, we’ve got a head.
On the line with dispatch, we threw clean towels down in the bathtub and I’m helping her breathe and focus while she starts to push. Two pushes. That’s it. This kid knew it was his time. So yeah, we’re delivering a baby in a bathtub as we waited on EMS. I’m walking through a worst case checklist— if the sac doesn’t rupture do I sterilize some scissors with rubbing alcohol? How quickly can I clear an airway? Bulb syringe? Heaven forbid the cord is wrapped …Y’all it was the smoothest birth we could have asked for. Color was great, I flipped him over and thumped/rubbed his back— he coughed up the fluid and started crying right away. We had about 10 minutes alone with him wrapped in a towel to just take in whatever the fk just happened. It was beautiful.
EMS arrives, it’s a lot of large mustachioed firemen who had never been on a childbirth call… but they at least clamped and cut the cord and took my wife in an ambulance while I followed. Absolute miracle… our amateur APGAR assessment was like a 9 and SAT levels 100 when we got admitted. An ounce shy of 6lbs— he’s doing great.

#7 My Daughter Yelled For Me To Come Quick Because The “Toilet Is Smoking!”

Image source: Echo_Red

#8 The Look On Her Face Makes Every Day Worth While

Image source: sweetzombiejesus9

#9 My Son Graduated From Middle School Yesterday! I’m Very Proud Of Him, And I Know His Mom Looking Down At Him Proud Of Him, Now He A Step Closer To The Big League!! It’s Hard Raising A Kid In Today’s Time But I’m A Oldschool Parent Think God, So He Going To Be Great!! ?????

Image source: JoJoTheGemini80

#10 I Let My 6yr Old Choose The Shower Curtain

Image source: Enough-Ad3818

#11 Today Marks My Last Day Working Out Of Town In The Oilfields. I’ve Carried My Daughter’s Sock Everyday To Remind Me Why I Was Sacrificing Time Away From Her

Image source: havik09

#12 This Is My Boy N. He Might Not Look It, But Is 25. He Has Nonverbal Autism. Shoutout To All The Other Special Needs Dads Out There!

Image source: Joesdad65

#13 Son’s First Dental Visit And He Looks Ready To Drop A Mix Tape

Image source: jollyreaper2112

#14 My Wife Found My AirPods

Image source: libovness

#15 I’m Not Crying [humor]

Image source: SEOip

#16 This Is Me

Image source: drawntosenia

#17 Our Princess Gets Discharged Tomorrow! She Had Her First Round Of Chemo Tuesday And Rocked It. We Also Found Out Yesterday Her Spinal Tap Showed Zero Signs Of Cancer In Her Spinal Cord And Brain

Image source: WantedDadorAlive

#18 Hey Dads! I Went Back To School With My Son. We Just Graduated With Engineering Degrees!

Image source: mkrjoe

#19 That 1% Chance Baby Made It Home And Into My Arms! We Couldn’t Be Happier

Image source: Lonogg

#20 My Wife Helped A Couple Become Fathers And Delivered Last Thursday

Image source: benstrikesback

#21 Thanks, Apple. I’ll Let Her Know

Image source: Parelius

#22 6-Yo Daughter Wanted To Type On My Laptop. After I Got Her To Bed, I Opened It Up To Find This

Image source: aerorich

#23 Yesterday, I Was Granted Full Physical Custody Of My 13 Year Old Daughter! I’m On Top Of The World Right Now ?

Image source: eyehartraydio

#24 I Just Delivered Our Baby In The Backseat Of The Car

Image source: SwedishDrummer

#25 Unsure If Any Fellow Dads Here Are Celebrating, But Happy World Down Syndrome Day From My Family To Yours ??

Image source: TheDreamLightDude

#26 My Daughter Is Officially In Remission! We Have A Long Few Years Ahead To Keep The Cancer At Bay, But It’s Working!

Image source: hajawr12

#27 I Think This Is The Best Picture I’ve Ever Got ❤️ My Boy Is 3 1/2 My Girl Is 5 Weeks ?

Image source: R4TTIUS

#28 After 2 Years Of Being A Foster I Am Now A Full Fledged Legal Daddy

Image source: crxdc0113

#29 I Lol’d So Hard When I Opened This Changing Table

Image source: BaldingAndLovingIt

#30 For All The Dads Of Little Ones, I Present My Favorite Picture:

Image source: dadwithoutaplan

#31 The Worst Game Of Charades

Image source: DukeMacManus

#32 I Like To Think I’ve Reached Peak Dad Here. Arrived At Airport 4 Hours Ahead Of Time

Image source: Thrillhouse763

#33 7 Years, Many Miscarries, And 1 Stillborn, I’m Finally A Dad

Image source: Cptsnuggles21

#34 My Daughter And Her Favorite Doll

Image source: iamfuckked

#35 18 Weeks Old, Got Her First Prosthetic. Happy To Be Part Of The Club!

Image source: [deleted]

#36 You Love To See It

Image source: skuzzlebutt420

#37 I Have To Brag Because I’m So Damn Proud Of Her

Image source: gorillagargoyle

#38 Fixed The Branding On The Baby’s Bathtub

Image source: Sirbrianpeppers

#39 After Two Weeks In The Nicu We Are Finally Going Home

Image source: lsass

#40 “Put This On Reddit And He’ll Be A Meme In 24 Hours”

Image source: pesqules

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



dad, Daddit, father, heartwarming, parenting, wholesome