Latvian Bicyclists Show Just How Much Space Bicycles Can Save On The Road
On International Car Free Day (Sept. 22, according to a number of participants), a few Latvian bicyclists from the Let’s Bike It bicycle group organized an elaborate and brilliant demonstration in Riga just how much more space an automobile takes up on the road than a bicycle.
The inventive activists hung light car-sized frames from their bicycles, which ensured that they would occupy as much space as a car would.
Numerous studies and public awareness projects have shown that, aside from the environmental and personal health benefits, biking can help reduce traffic congestion. Even if bicyclists stay ON the road, which they don’t have to do if there are separate bike paths present, they will take up far less space, allowing roads to carry more people to their destinations in less time.
More info: letsbikeit.ru | Vkontakte (h/t: citylab)
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