35 Adorable Pet Adoption Pictures To Make Your Day A Little Better
In a world where millions of animals find themselves abandoned or neglected, the act of adoption and rescue shines as a beacon of hope. People from all walks of life have opened their hearts and homes to these furry friends, transforming the lives of both humans and animals alike.
In this compilation, we celebrate some heartwarming stories of the most adorable pets adopted and rescued by individuals who chose compassion over indifference.
#1 I Asked For The Least Adoptable Cat… Ended Up With A Sweet Bundle Of Love
Image source: Fluffy-Designer
Multa Nocte : “You are my hero/heroine! 🥰”
#2 Recently Adopted A Kitten, Was Worried He Wouldn’t Get Along With My Dog
Image source: zachp0wer
Content Wombat : “That dog has had enough of that kitteh :)”
#3 Rescued Violet 1 Week Ago
Image source: HospyNursie
ThatCapybara : “Gorgeous happy snoot :)”
#4 Our Latest Rescue
Image source: pdonettes
Chilli : “hello bubba!”
#5 My Neighbors Were Evicted And Abandoned Their Cat. I Decided To Adopt Him. Meet Mimi
Image source: Pogys
Gem : “Derpy blep”
#6 My Step-Mom Adopted A Cat For Her Elderly Parents. We Were Nervous Her Dad Wouldn’t Like Him
Image source: kittyishhh
sbj : “Look like they were made for each other”
Biana Weatherford : “Cats can melt thru the stubborn!”
Ruth Harper : “My dad was always a dog person. But he bonded really strongly with my kitty. He’s the one who decided she needed her whiskers brushed after meals. He spoiled her more than I ever have.”
#7 Rescued This Little Fella From Being Thrown Away. She’s Now A Part Of The Family
Image source: DJ-Zero-Seven
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “How could anyone throw this precious gem away?”
#8 Adopted This Mama Cat And Kitti
Image source: Crafty_Check_889
Shark Lady : “Mama will end you if you upset her baby. Also, awesome ears.”
#9 Rescued This Little Girl From A Trash Compactor. Her Name Is Sylvie!
Image source: Aquarius_Bitch
Kristy Nelson : “That is so awful. I’m so thankful you saved her!”
#10 We Just Adopted A Rescue. Meet Popcorn!
Image source: willevans1972
RandomPersonOnline : “She’s so smol!!”
#11 Adjusting To Indoor Life After Being Adopted From The Parking Lot
Image source: PartyMud
PlatinumThe8-BitCat : “One of my cats is from a parking lot and he is the goofiest cat ever and loves cuddling.”
#12 Adopted At A Rescue And Newly Groomed. Truffles, Good Girl And Terror Of Squirrels
Image source: UCFLegion
ThatCapybara : “Terror of squirrels indeed 😰😉”
#13 Today, I Adopted A Street Cat And Her One-Day-Old Kittens
Image source: shahid_555
Chilli : “I love the bebes!!!!!!!”
#14 We Adopted A Second Cat Today. He And Our First Cat Are Working Things Out
Image source: coinpile
Anne Jones : “Black cat saying..Listen here, I’m the boss right? Don’t look at me with those big eyes, all cute and Floofy…I said I’m the bos…..oh, ok then. I’ll do whatever you say….”
#15 My Newly Adopted Puppy Is One Silly Sleeper
Image source: mll2000
ThatCapybara : “potato blep”
#16 Rescued This Little Guy Tonight, Can Anyone Give Insight On His Age
Image source: LadyMcRib
Hawkmoon : “Based on the eye color which apparently hasn’t changed yet, I would say between 3 and 6 months, closer to 3 given his size.”
#17 I Just Adopted Her And Named Her Duchess. Dutch For Short
Image source: NBD2016
Tabula Rasa : “ Majestic void…”
#18 On The Euthanasia List At An Animal Shelter Instead, She Got Adopted And A Puppuccino From Starbucks
Image source: moncking
ThatCapybara : “Not the euthanasia list 😭 so glad she was saved”
#19 Meet Naomi! She Adopted Me A Week Ago And I Wanted To Show Her Off!
Image source: asm485
Shark Lady : “That’s a very boopable snoot.”
#20 Happy Halloween From Benny! 15 Y.o. Just Adopted Him Last Week!
Image source: helicopterlanding
Chilli : “what a charming fellow”
#21 Decided To Adopt The Hissing, Swatting, Growling One At The Shelter. Took Her Less Than A Day To Turn Into The Sweetest Cuddle Bug
Image source: gotpoopstains
Anna Losonczy : “That’s what love can do. She just needed love.”
#22 Daughter Was Worried About The Adopted Void Being Accepted
Image source: screaming_avacado
Shark Lady : “Magnificent, bushy tails.”
#23 I Am In Love With My 6 Weeks Old Cat
Image source: hamada625
Rebelliousslug : “I am also in love with your 6 weeks old cat”
#24 I Rescued 3 Kittens From My Construction Job Site
Image source: realogy
Tabula Rasa : “OMG! What an adorable trio..!”
#25 Accidental Hug While Brushing A Newly Adopted 15yo Pittie
Image source: alittle_disabled
ThatCapybara : “He’s a chonker 😦❤️”
#26 Adopted My First Dog, Her Name Is Bug
Image source: httpsal3m
Rebelliousslug : “The only bug I want crawling on me”
#27 Adopted A Sweet Bait Dog
Image source: BuddhaDaddy88
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “I hate the very idea of animals suffering like that. Please give her lots of extra love from me.”
Winnie the Moo : “Omg that poor face. Look at how they harmed that pretty face. Those people should be hanged..”
#28 Just Adopted This Sweet Boy, Can’t Believe He Was Left Behind By His Previous Owners
Image source: Limp-Bacon
Shark Lady : “I hate people who just leave their pets behind when they move. If you can’t take them with you, or you just decide you don’t want them anymore, at least take them to a shelter so they have a chance of finding new humans.”
#29 Brother And Sister We Adopted Together Who Cuddle Constantly
Image source: takeagender
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “The tabby looks like Audi. His stripes are that thick and dark on his legs, too.”
#30 We Adopted This Little Orange Cutie
Image source: MdnightRmblr
Gem : “Ed sheeran?”
Manic Mama : “Please call him “Juice”. Then he can be orange Juice!”
#31 Just Adopted This 11 Year Old Love Bug
Image source: irishrose381
Shark Lady : “Kitty looks like they are guarding the new human they just adopted.”
#32 This Is Weasley And Capucine Adopted Thru Our Shelter. The Big Boy Was Lonely (And Really Playful) So His Human Adopted A Little Sister For Him. Things Seems To Be Going Great
Image source: sonia72quebec
Tabula Rasa : “Two very happy brain cells..!”
#33 Just Adopted Two Tiny Voids
Image source: Celthara
H G : “Awww, what’s the opposite of a black hole?”
Auntriarch : “Aww I need a brooch like this”
#34 Officially Adopting My Street Foster Jpeg, Look At Her Brother’s Happy Face!
Image source: freyaeyaeyaeya
#35 Just Adopted. Her Name Is Juniper!
Image source: littleponine
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