25 Times People’s Questionable Cooking Methods Traumatised Their Family

Published 11 months ago

We often see street vendors that have quite a high demand but when you consider the circumstances of the food preparation, the whole experience can be quite off-putting. While we assume hygiene is of the utmost importance, when you think about it how sure are you that the tired and sweaty cook is following those practices to a Tee every day consistently? They say ignorance is bliss but what if you happen to see the cook using a method you cannot stomach with your very own eyes? 

Leave alone vendors, after all, they are strangers you can avoid if it doesn’t come up to your standards, but recently Redditors got on the platform to discuss the most questionable culinary habits they’ve witnessed from their very own family members. Scroll below for an entertaining selection of tales from folks who’ve had to deal with some eyebrow-raising habits that may leave you heaving in shock and horror. 

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Image source: PeanutButterPigeon85, SHOT

My mom once had a meltdown in her kitchen when she saw me cooking an egg in a pan on the stove. She likes to cook her eggs in the microwave until they’re rubbery and tinged with gray, and she insists that this is the only way to do it.


Image source: smk3509

My mother has entire cookbooks dedicated to cooking in the microwave. She thinks there are two ways to cook vegetables:

1. Place frozen vegetables into Corningware. Add water and margarine. Microwave until they are mush.

2. Dump canned vegetables and liquid from can into pot. Add margarine. Hear until slightly warm.

I realized I could like vegetables the first time I tasted fresh green beans that had been lightly sauteed with olive oil, garlic, and salt.


Image source: anon, Charlie Solorzano

My sister moved from the city to a small Texas town. Someone in their circle had a new baby girl and named her Brie. My sister jokingly said, “If you have another one, you can name it Gouda.” Everyone looked at her with blank stares because they had no idea what Gouda was. It was perhaps a joke in bad taste, but she and i have laughed over that many times through the years, so in the end it was a worthwhile joke.


Image source: tantetricotante, Peter Bravo de los Rios

My in-laws visited for a month and I had to learn the hard way that, despite having travelled the world over, they are not adventurous eaters nor particularly well acquainted with good cooking. We wanted to grill one evening and my mother-in-law insisted that the pork loin medallions needed to be BOILED for AN HOUR before cooking on the grill. I watched her turn the meat into small gray pucks, slather them in bottled sauce, then grill for 5 minutes a side. When they cut them, the interior was fluffy and dry, resembling sawdust more than meat. Very glad we also cooked sausage or I would have been sad AND hungry.


Image source: PuzzleheadedFroyo995, MChe Lee

Went to visit my uncle a few years back and made some slow cooker beans (with pork) which everyone loved and asked me to make again. Later, on the drive to the store with my aunt, I mentioned wanting to get some smoked pork hocks and she immediately started telling me all the reasons why pork isn’t good for your health (I honestly didn’t know she didn’t eat pork sauce the rest of my family does).

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that she’d just scarfed down two bowls of porky beans the night before. Now, I make sure to tell her repeatedly when something I cooked contains pork.


Image source: gingerytea

I have a dairy allergy. I visited home for the holidays. My dad tried to argue with me that THERE IS NO DAIRY IN RANCH DRESSING.

“What about the buttermilk, Dad?”

“It’s *not* milk-it’s *buttermilk*! Ha!”

“And what is the base ingredient for that curdled milk Dad?”

“It’s not the same thing. You’re just being picky!”


Image source: beathelas, Sorin Gheorghita

“That smells great! What is it?”

Butter and garlic


Image source: shelf_indulgence, Margaret Jaszowska

Oh I have so many i don’t know where to start. I was born and raised in eastern Europe in the 90’s so my parents weren’t really exposed to different cuisines or spices and this has cause some drama and confusion whenever my parents visit and I make them try something new.

My mom threw out my camembert cheese and then scolded me for a good 10 minutes about keeping “stinky, moldy, bad food ” in the fridge.

My dad refuses to eat any vegetables that still have any crunch or sushi (even though he tried sushi and liked it… Eating raw fish is wrong??)

Black pepper is too spicy.

According to my dad avocados taste like “creamy dirt”

On the plus side they were mind blown by poached eggs and adequately cooked meat.


I was cooking once and had some powdered turmeric on the counter. My young son asked me why I was putting ‘cheese’ in the dish. That was the moment I realized I’d served him Kraft mac ‘n’ cheese one too many times…

Image source: CleverAmbrosia


My mom’s side of the family is full of passionate, talented professional and home cooks.

My dad’s side of the family puts under-seasoned ground meat, cheddar, and KETCHUP on a tortilla and calls it a taco

Image source: Smelly_Pocket


Image source: AustinTreeLover, Ludovic Avice

My mom wouldn’t eat hummus until I started calling it “bean dip”.


Image source: kitty_kotton, Karyna Panchenko

Mine really isn’t that bad but my sister acts like I’m CrAZy when I leave the skin on my salmon to cook…I know it’s less common in the US but I still can’t help to feel very annoyed. Crispy skin is the best part!


My mother’s and grandmother’s reaction when I mention kimchi was saying “isn’t that buried in the ground for months” and general mild disgust. They both eat sauerkraut, so fermented cabbage shouldn’t be something overly exotic.

Image source: LokiLB


My dad refused to eat raw veggies and dip until I renamed it “crudités”.

Image source: ichooserum


My mother in law makes substitutions that make even good recipes inedible. Adding wheat flour and almond extract to sugar cookies. Making my roasted chicken with lemon herb compound in butter, she used skinless chicken breasts, margarine, dry herbs and the plastic lemon ? lemon juice. Then says “mine didn’t taste like yours” yea, no s**t Janet.

Image source: annswertwin


Image source: alyxmj, Sorin Gheorghita

My step dads mom took a stick of butter, used it like a crayon to butter the raw turkey, then put the rest of the stick on the table for rolls. That was over 20 years ago and I still refuse to eat anything she makes.

Luckily, I live several states away. I plan all trips to visit my mother NOT on holidays so I can avoid her… And all the holiday travelers.


Image source: jsat3474, Peter Schad

It is always stressful eating at my in laws. MIL cooks one potato per person. They’re the size of golf balls.

Thanksgiving. She takes away the sour cream immediately so it doesn’t spoil. It’s been out for 5 minutes. She’ll hover and take your plate the second you clear it. Don’t even think about 2nds. Remember, 1 potato per person.

Husband, FIL, and I come in for lunch after hours of making firewood. Felling trees, hauling them out. Block, split, and pile. MIL has made one half of a premade garlic loaf for all 4 of us. That one made me cry.

2 weeks ago. Husband and I realize we haven’t had French Toast in a couple years. You can’t screw up French Toast, so we went to my in laws for breakfast. Her “recipe” is 1 egg and 3 cups of milk, which she mixed up before even putting the bacon on. She served her husband a lump of wet bread. I said my bacon was enough. My husband sort of salvaged the mixture by adding more eggs. Puts mixture in fridge. But FIL wants another piece. MIL scolds him to put the mix back in the fridge not 2 seconds after his bread hit the pan so it doesn’t go bad. Yet, it’s already been out 20 minutes because she mixed it up before even putting the bacon on.

Non food related, we stopped out this weekend. She said sorry for not combing her hair – she’s washing sheets today, which means she washes her hair today, and her comb, so she can’t comb her hair until after.

God forbid you take anything out of the oven before the timer goes off. Even if that means burnt Grands biscuits. Which are gross even when not burnt.

Watching her wash dishes is painful. Wash a plate, rinse it, dry it with a towel, then lay it on the table. For *every* *fricken* *dish*. Not wash all the plates, then rinse every plate, then dry every plate. And she complains her feet get sore from all the walking.

Christmas a few years ago. I made a beautiful beef roast and also a duck. I freaked out when she tried to dump a can of cream of mushroom on my duck *for gravy”. She still brings it up “my mother was a good cook and I’ve been cooking for 45 years”

Easter is this weekend. She asked us to coordinate going out because she doesn’t want to cook this year. Now, I would love to host, and do all the cooking because a) I love to host and b) I wouldn’t leave hungry. But we’re in the middle of some projects so we can’t. And I refuse to cook at her house because I like things like mixing bowls, proper utensils, more than 2 inches of counter space because she’s got s**t piled everywhere, and accurate ovens. Anyways. I spent a couple hours coming up with a few options to present to my husband’s brother and sister. Then I find out MIL has asked all 3 of her kids to do the coordinating. So we all had different ideas instead of one person running the show, so to speak. All of us are irritated.



I moved to the Santa Fe, New Mexico area after college and fell in love with the food. I took my parents to a decent New Mexican restaurant when they visited…and my father got a hamburger in a tortilla. You know that feeling when you’ve discovered something you think is life-changing, you want to share it, and no one cares? That was me on that day.

Image source: citou


Image source: FayeQueen, Pavel Subbotin

I made Christmas dinner once and my sister deemed the ham trash because “You didn’t take the bone out. Gordon Ramsay would’ve” I got deemed unfit for next Christmas dinner so she took care of it. She cooked a tube of deli ham instead. I used hand shredded cheese for a casserole and she complain it was too cheesy cause it was melted too much. She’s the only family I got left so it’s kinda hard to not cook for her. She’s so randomly picky.


Image source: Rd28T, Frank Zhang

My Dad insists he can cook. All he knows how to do is chop things small and boil them. The Maillard reaction has never taken place in his kitchen.

No matter what cooking method he uses, it invariably comes out tasting like it was done in a slow cooker.


Image source: argtri, Jack Harner

On one visit, my Mom threw out 2 six-packs of Hefeweizen because the bottles were cloudy and had sediment.


Image source: dirtyswrk, ABHISHEK HAJARE

All non-American dishes (anything besides burgers, sandwiches, meat and potatoes, etc) are “ethnic food” no matter the cuisine. They also typically assume any “ethnic food” will be spicy.

Fresh vegetables are too crunchy, so canned is preferable.

One exception to this is popcorn, which is a totally normal dinner side and something that my dad proudly claims is his “favorite vegetable.”

“Salad” can mean almost anything. Example: apple banana salad = apples, bananas, mayonnaise

Pureed anything (especially soups) = baby food, and they usually won’t touch it.

(My family consists of a bunch of white Midwestern people, can you tell? Lol)


Image source: belle_rn, Önder Örtel

Ordered takeout last night with my in-laws. There was a salmon ciabatta sandwich with a dill mayo on it and my father-in-law asked me what dill mayo was and wondered if it was some kind of pickle flavored mayo. I said no, it’s just mayo seasoned presumably with some fresh dill weed. This man is 70 years old and had no idea dill weed is a herb/spice! I pulled some dry dill weed out of my spice cabinet to show him because he had never heard of it before.


Image source: 7_of-9, Cody Chan

My dad loves cocktail shrimp served in those little plastic circle dishes from the grocery store and breaks them out wherever company is over. Thinking it’s fancy, he calls it “Shrimp Circle”.


Image source: Scorpy-yo, Dylan de Jonge

My friend considered himself a true connoisseur of whisky/whiskey/Scotch. I found out he keeps it in the fridge and drinks it cold. He was quite horrified when I suggested he try it at room temperature (or warmer, or with a splash of water added). Imagine my face when he eventually tried it and said ‘wow, the flavour is really coming through actually!’

He also made us dinner once by putting a frozen-solid chicken breast in a pot of plain boiling water. (I said nothing by the way as I was his guest, but yeah he considers himself a very decent home cook)

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



cook, cooking, cooking habits, cooking standards, food, kitchen habits