35 Times Society Decided Enough Is Enough When Dealing With A “Karen”
Some people in the world just seem to want to make it their life’s mission to make others miserable. You may encounter such people randomly in supermarkets, restaurants, parking lots, your workplace, at the doctor’s and anywhere else you can think of literally.
These dreaded ‘Karens’ of the world seem to operate under the false fallacy that if they do not cater to their own entitled self loudly and proudly, the world may indeed end. So they continually impose their obnoxious thoughts and actions on society but finally, some folks have had enough. People online are collectively calling out the most entitled ‘Karens’ they’ve spotted in the wild and it’s pretty funny payback, as you can see below.
#1 Using The Only Fan In A Crowded, Warm Waiting Room To Cool Off Your Hot Box
Image source: thetakingtree2
Ember: Disgusting 🤮
#2 In Honor Of Today …
Image source: breezfan22
#3 B A R B A R A
Image source: The_Fire_King_
#4 Karen Never Heard Of Condom
Image source: informationtiger
Bernd Herbert: That person can’t be THAT stupid, right?
#5 Restaurants Fight Back Against Karen
Image source: Sandboxhero_0311
#6 So Be It
Image source: Master1718
Mycroft1967: A Karen being a Karen about “Karen”. Not Caring.
#7 I’m Doing This From Now On Lol
Image source: ifallupthestairsalot
#8 Not Sure Who Made This But I Thought It Belonged Here
Image source: Fido_And_The_Cakes
#9 A Karen With A Twist Of Jesus
Image source: Neolithique
Michael Chock: How on earth would you know the spiritual beliefs of your waiter? Does she read it in her ice cubes?
#10 To All The Karens Out There
Image source: nanotrone
Astrophile: This is honestly a perfect way to describe freedom of speech
#11 You White People Need To Stop
Image source: Dillontvh
maka paka: Everytime i see this I laugh. Most cultures love to see people try the clothes, hairstyles, foods that they have. It’s only the really weird that hate it. Also if we’re not allowed to try anything and just look or be like our ‘culture; is, isn’t that a form of segregation???
#12 Karen Places An 11usd Order And Thinks She Now Owns Us. But We Created A Clause Especially For Her
Image source: Liels87
#13 Karen Has Been Around Since At Least The 1900’s
Image source: heyjpark
Will Cable: Bring this back but with a twist, that the employee can be as abusive as the customer being abusive so they know they can’t get away with it.
#14 Some Customers Are Worth Losing
Image source: thestudlife
MadameMalfoy: maybe because it’s closed? idk just a thought…
#15 Karen Decides That Children’s Fun Isn’t Enough Of A Reason To Have A Tree House
Image source: jajalian
#16 This Restaurant Is Really Sick Of Karen’s S***!
Image source: depressed_popoto
#17 You Would Think They Would Be Nicer After Leaving Church
Image source: ifallupthestairsalot
Solidhog: I have read this a few times in different places from different people. And to be honest, some of the most horrible, intolerant and rudest people I have met have been extreme religious people.
#18 Evangelical Karen Pissed That Someone Use Science To Break Her Cool Story. (How Dare You Called Me Out On My Bs)
Image source: Tatarkingdom
#19 She Was ***not*** The Bride
Image source: berzio
#20 Time To Gatekeep Middlenames
Image source: sofa
MadameMalfoy:this literally makes me so mad. how entitled are you to think this way?!
#21 How Privileged Can You Get
Image source: berzio
Karma Black : My dog somehow trained HIMSELF to be my hypoglycemia alert dog with ZERO input from me. I’d love to see what the activists would’ve thought of THAT.
#22 Imagine This Being Your Mom
Image source: SnixPlaysAlot
Sue Denham: I wouldn’t worry too much, ma’am. “Andy” is so much better than what we’re calling you.
#23 Run Away, And Never Come Back
Image source: Immidandy
Michael Chock: What you need to do is go down to your local church, ask the priest for a reverse emancipation form, check the “child” box (it’s between the forced labor box and the internment box). Get the form notarized by a religious leader, political leader and the local sheriff. Make 3 copies, have each one signed by a family member then shove them up your butt.
#24 Karen Upset Because A Tornado Delayed Her Food
Image source: K1nsey6
Michael Chock: The tin man is eating your food now Karen!
#25 Karens Then, Karens Now
Image source: Pransant
#26 As A Parent It’s So Sad Some People Have Come To This
Image source: playmegadrive3
ProbablyNotBehindYou (he/him): Why did they even have a child?
#27 Mind Your Goddamn Business Karen!
Image source: TheAstronomer
“Of course you’re right. If you’ll give me your address I’ll also ensure that the used bags are sent to you as proof that I use them correctly.”
#28 Buys House Next To Pub, Complains When Pub Is Noisy
Image source: NecessaryDingo
maka paka: Had this in a pub near me. Been there for donkeys, is open till 01ish on a weekend, everyone knows this so some people have bought a flat opposite and have complained that much you’re now not ALLOWED to talk in the smoking area. Wankers
#29 What Is It About The Suburbs That Makes People This Way?
Image source: Scaulbylausis
Ember: I’d be more nervous of this nosy neighbour
#30 Satisfying
Image source: proviking6000
#31 Humans Have Feelings, Karen
Image source: lionheart724
#32 How Dare You Curse In A Video I Allowed My Child Access To!
Image source: mypoorliver
#33 Customer Karen
Image source: Adelu1219
Tobias Reaper: did everybody clap as well
#34 Karen Want To Get Rid Of Her Fiancé’s 5 Years Old Kid
Image source: Tatarkingdom
#35 Complaining About A Place That Makes Donuts Smells Like Donuts. Has To Be The Work Of A Karen
Image source: Synthee
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