20 Hilarious Memes About Small Biz Ownership That Are Painfully Accurate
Owning your own business means you get to make all the decisions but it also means a lot of responsibility. Of course like anything in life, knowing how to market, promote and make money involves a learning curve. The “small biz” memes page is dedicated to seeing the lighter side of these lessons learned while managing your own business.
Sharing witty observations and sardonic posts about the risks and challenges that anyone dealing with the day-to-day running of a small biz can appreciate. So scroll down and enjoy these little humourous takes on the struggles of a high-pressure situation to ‘turn that profit’ and join in “celebrating that small biz life” as per the slogan of the account.
More info: Instagram
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
Image source: smallbizmemez
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