20 Specialist Facts That Only People Who Do A Specific Job Could Know

Published 1 year ago

After working in an industry for a length of time you’re bound to pick up a thing or two about how things work that anyone outside the industry may not be aware of. 

One Redditor inquired about the inside scoop of those little facts that people have picked up in their field that only specialists know of. Below we’ve shared some of the most interesting behind-the-scenes tidbits shared by these experts.

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#1 Always Keep 2 Exits In Mind

People almost always try to exit through the same door they entered. In a crowded venue ALWAYS take a second to find your exit and then find a second exit. Mark them in your brain just in case. In an emergency most of the crowd is going to go for the main door they came in through. Knowing where another exit is can save your life.

Image source: Spiritual_Worth, Marie Lemaistre

#2 Trees Don’t Have Magic Regeneration Powers, Actually

Trees do not heal through regeneration like people think they do.

They quite literally just grow over it. The tree can close the wound off in a way not really visible to us but it will never grow back that same tissue in the same way like we would when we cut ourselves.

It would be like growing a second layer of skin over a cut and never really healing the cut. Your body would make it stop bleeding but you’d alway be able to see your cut if you peel the layers of skin that grew over top.

Trees are like onions, just like Ogres! They have layers.

I always think of a jaw breaker when I work with trees.

Did anyone get my Shrek reference? I should go to bed now.

Image source: MajikMahn, Sash Bo

#3 Being Nice Will Open Far More Doors Than Being A Douche Canoe

Being nice and patient will give you a bigger chance of getting a refund or a new of whatever is broken, than being angry and blaming the random worker.

Image source: Affectionate_Fox1318, Ketut Subiyanto

#4 UTIs May Have Some Surprising Symptoms

UTIs will often cause confusion in people over 70.

UTI is Urinary Tract Infection and some people can get confused to the point of hallucinations and delirium. It can cause increased weakness which also leads to falls.

Image source: silly-billy-goat, Markus Spiske

#5 If You Get Prescription Antibiotics, Finish The Whole Course

You need to finish the entire course of the antibiotics you were prescribed. You don’t suddenly stop taking them after you start feeling better.

Image source: Fladap28

#6 Marketers Know Every Breath You Take

It’s not the CIA or the government that’s tracking your every move. It’s marketing agencies.

Image source: monkelus

#7 Lying Is Just A Part Of A Police Officer’s Toolkit. Police can lie to you, including about whether or not they’re police. ETA – In the US. (I’ve offended the Europeans by forgetting they exist. ???)

Image source: spozmo, Brett Sayles

#8 People Are Emotional Creatures. People make most decisions based on emotion, then rummage around for logic to back up what they’ve already decided

Image source: Reslibell, Pixabay

#9 Humans Are The Weakest Link In Cybersecurity. People (users) are the weakest link in most technology systems. 99% of the time.

Image source: rocopotomus74, Ahmed ツ

#10 Websites Aren’t Slow Because Of Poor Programming, But Rather All The Ads And Trackers

If a website is slow there’s a big change it’s not because the developers did a bad job but because marketing insisted on putting dozens of trackers and ads on it.

Image source: Husky

#11 High-End Neighborhoods Are Often Built With Low-End Quality

Those “high end” or “expensive” neighborhoods they slap up really fast… Usually, gated communities and other semi-exclusive suburbs full of McMansions are built with the absolute cheapest materials and poorest quality/ untrained labor.

Never buy a “spec” home without some serious research into what you’re actually buying. All that “luxury” is barely surface deep.

Image source: revs201, Pixabay

#12 Main Character Animals In Documentaries Are Played By Several “Actors”

In any given nature documentary, the protagonist animal you’re rooting for is ‘played’ by several different ‘actors’ – i.e. that one brown bear’s story is patched together from footage of a bunch of different bears. And in about 90% of the ‘animal reacting’ shots they’re reacting to the camera crew. Nature documentaries are heavily constructed.

Image source: BootsyRootsy, Jeffry Surianto

#13 Movie Horses Deserve Better. In movies they unnecessarily yank on horses’ reins, practically ripping their mouths out. Anytime you see their mouths open with the bit pulled way back in there, they’re not having fun and it’s for no reason other than maybe drama and the trainers are s****y for letting that happen.

Image source: Mellopiex, Helena Lopes

#14 Turns Out The ER Is For Emergencies, Who Could Have Guessed

The ER is there to keep you from having a catastrophic outcome in the next few hours/days (or next few minutes, in some cases.) If nothing irreversible is going to happen for several days, they don’t really care what the problem is.

Image source: TreasureTheSemicolon

#15 When Elevators Fail, They Go Up. An elevator will go up to the top of the hoist instead of crash to the floor in most catastrophic failures due to the counter weights.

Image source: nuxshktr, Michael Morse

#16 Give Truckers Some Breathing Room, Unless…

Trucker here and we don’t want to be anywhere near you either.

Go around or stay back don’t just ride right beside us. We can’t see you very well when you are beside us and if s**t happens you’re gonna go splat.

It is very very very rare that any driver wants to slow you down it’s not like we get our rocks off on making you late. We work extremely long hours on very little sleep and we just wanna get where we are going without getting in an accident and killing someone.

Trust me if we could go faster we damn sure would.

Also if you give us the fist pump to honk our horn you just made our whole week. That’s one of the greatest joys in a truckers life.

Be safe out there!!

Edit: A reoccurring comment is that most of you get it and are very cool but you hate when a truck driver hops in the hammer lane when you’re trying to pass them at a reasonable speed. I’m with you on that and Im here to tell you most truck drivers are not a******s like that and the real truckers hate the ones that are. Every profession has a group of a******s that ruin it for the good ones.

Edit Edit: This has gotten an unexpectedly high response and I really appreciate all of you joining in the conversation. If we would all just communicate like this more often we could solve a lot of problems in this world

Image source: MissPatricia024, Markus Spiske

#17 There Is No Less Grim Way To Calculate The Damage Of Severe Burns

Generally speaking, if you add the percentage of the body covered in 3rd degree burns and the persons age together you get the likelihood of it being a fatal burn.

32 and 40% burn coverage? about 70% of people in that condition will die.

Source: Firey, working closely with several doctors from burns units.

Edit: I love the 100 year old people comments and the people with 0% burns but in thier 30s lamenting the 40% death chance.

Image source: CompletelyFlammable, Jens Mahnke

#18 Who Runs The World? Not Girls, Excel. The world runs on MS Excel

Image source: Boulavogue, olia danilevich

#19 Shock Old Veggies In Ice Water. If you have sad vegetables(carrots celery)or lettuce that look wilted not bad you can make them crunchy by shocking in ice water.

Image source: weezypins, Elina Sazonova

#20 You Can’t Shock A Flatlined Person To Life. When a person “flat lines” you cannot shock them out of it.

Image source: unassumingtoaster, Philippe Donn

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



expert facts, facts, industry, specialist facts, trade, weird