30 Funny Posts That Perfectly Illustrate British Humour

Published 1 year ago

British humour is known for its dry wittiness and while not everyone is able to understand that brand of comedy, the Brits themselves have made an art of it. Leaning heavily towards self-deprecatory remarks, barely detectable sarcasm and the driest of delivery styles, UK humour can sometimes feel like an alien language. 

In an attempt to understand this particular brand of humour, we’ve perused the contents of a social media magazine by the name of, ‘British Memes’ to help us all understand their jokes better. So scroll below to learn and hopefully have a good laugh while you’re at it. 

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Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk


Image source: britishmemesuk

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



british, british humour, british memes, funny, funny memes, jokes, memes