20 Funny Jokes And Memes Anyone Working In “IT Support” Can Relate To
It is known that every IT customer care call starts with a simple ‘Did you try turning the computer on and off again?’ because 99% of problems are resolved with this simplest of solutions. Clearly working in IT require the patience of a paragon to deal with human ineptitude.
One particular IT professional felt that even though there were meme pages for developers, programmers, hackers etc., there was a dire lack of humorous IT-related content and decided to change that. He wanted the memes to reflect real-life issues faced by IT support and it seems to have worked. His Facebook group, ‘IT Humor and Memes’ has currently amassed over 900K followers and if you’re an IT professional you’re bound to get a giggle out of some of the following posts found on his meme page.
Image source: Steven Pangilinan
Image source: Marie Carmen Mrtz
Image source: Edgardo Avileño
Image source: Trey Washmon
Image source: Viktor Nederloe
Image source: Michael Hagley
Image source: Gregory Leiby
Image source: Amritpal Singh
Image source: Joseph Lathem
Image source: Alex Kluemper
Image source: Aidan White
Image source: Vasilios Betoglou
Image source: Rich Duffy
Image source: Stevieb Baker
Image source: Joel Swan
Image source: Jason Riffenburg
Image source: John Finedeway
Image source: I steal your memes
Image source: Steven Pangilinan
Image source: Gerry Mathers
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