This Photographer Collected Children’s Nightmares And Turned Them Into Twisted Photos
In his stunning “Dream Collector” series, American photographer Arthur Tress tapped into the immense emotional power present in our childhood dreams and turned it into a gripping series of surreal photographs.
What makes these photographs, which Tress shot in the 1960s and 70s, even more compelling is the fact that they are based on children’s actual nightmares. “Dreams or nightmares were collected by conversations with children in schools, streets, or neighbourhood playgrounds. The children would be asked means of acting out their visions or to suggest ways of making them into visual actualities… These inventions often reflect the child’s inner life, his hopes and fears, as well as his symbolic transmutation of the external environment, his home or school, into manageable forms.”
Check out these psychoanalytic photos and see if they don’t remind you of any of your childhood dreams (or nightmares…).
More info: | (h/t: petapixel)
Got wisdom to pour?
these are amazing. I actually interpet dreams and some of these have huge meanings .. look them up. That will give one the goose bumps!!!
I am probably going to have nightmares tonight. Thank you these are truly terrifying.