30 Amusing Screenshots That Prove That Scottish People Know How To Have A Good Laugh
From Haggis to the Loch Ness monster, one has to admit there is something quite mysterious about Scotland. Even the Scottish people and their ‘wee bairns’ have always garnered a certain fascination from their somewhat guttural accents to their penchant for screechy bagpipe music to the short kilted skirts they were famously prone to wearing even in icy weather.
Despite the frigidness of their temperatures, however, the temperament of the people themselves appears in fact to be warm and funny as proven by a series of screenshots shared on the subreddit Scottish People Twitter. We’ve shared some of our favourite finds showing the humorous nature of the Scottish people from the thread below and we hope you enjoy reading them. Don’t forget to do your best version of a Scottish accent to add that extra sizzle of sass and fun.
#1 What Is That?
Image source: lumsgame
#2 Yee Haa
Image source: BigWillySmith12
#3 Technically Correct
Image source: strategery_43
#4 Can’t Beat A Fathers Jokes
Image source: HomerMndoza
#5 Do Ya Think I’m Sexy?
Image source: NimrodPing, twitter.com
#6 Technically The Truth
Image source: NoRIleYe, twitter.com
#7 He Isnae A Dug, Moira
Image source: TrolleybusGus, twitter.com
#8 The Longest Running Prank Ever
Image source: Scaulbylausis
#9 Invisibility Cloak!
Image source: AutoCrosspostBot
#10 Wee Moon
Image source: moses_marvin
#11 May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour
Image source: clearly_quite_absurd
#12 Train Rides
Image source: BigWillySmith12, twitter.com
#13 He Was Running Out Of Patience
Image source: clearly_quite_absurd
#14 Wooo!
Image source: jai-phi
#15 I Want This To Be Real
Image source: jai-phi, twitter.com
#16 Breaking News
Image source: TheAlmightySquirrel
#17 Smoking A Malboro Red While Wearing A Knights Helmet? Nae Bor Mate
Image source: Qinnes
#18 Very, Very Sorry
Image source: lumsgame
#19 Mosh Pit
Image source: BigWillySmith12, twitter.com
#20 That’s The Story
Image source: Kebab-Destroyer
#21 Bruce Mate Come On
Image source: BigWillySmith12
#22 A Conversation With My Scottish Friend
Image source: Faithsy93
#23 Bacchialdi’s
Image source: deckchair1992
#24 Anyone Lost A Hat?
Image source: orkichrist
#25 Natural Order Restored In Glasgow
Image source: meenmachimanja
#26 Just To Help Yous Oot A Wee Bit
Image source: rfoleyfhd
#27 Scottish People Gpt
Image source: Sawell
#28 As A Glaswegian, Even I Was Surprised By The Scale Of Braehead Shopping Centre
Image source: physiczard, twitter.com
#29 L For Effort!
Image source: DJBossRoss
#30 Mulhern Not Having A Good Time Of It In The Comments
Image source: JohnTheWegie
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