20 Ways To Capture A Hilariously Blurry Photo Of Your Cat, As Shared By The Cat Owners

Published 2 years ago

Cat owners love to click pictures of their precious floofs. After all, pet felines are so expressive and hilarious sometimes that their photos are worth capturing. However, it’s not necessary that they’ll willingly pose for every picture you take. If you’ve ever tried to capture a cat (through the lenses), then you probably know that it’s quite a struggle.

Nevertheless, even blurry pictures of cats are enough to shake the internet. The subreddit r/blurrypicturesofcats is the proof. People in this online group share pictures of their cats that got blurred in hilarious ways due to their sudden and quick movements. Check them out in the gallery below.

More info: Reddit

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Image source: bytorthesnowdog


Image source: baddev88


Image source: Faith_SC


Image source: Good_Ol_Ironass


Image source: LegendaryLarvey


Image source: Faith_SC


Image source: Cinderellas-robot


Image source: ichigomashimaro


Image source: TheEmotional_Emo119


Image source: Vapsvus


Image source: reddit.com


Image source: abestafera


Image source: Fearcore4K


Image source: Schlaffpaff


Image source: Kuma_Paws_376


Image source: mikemachlin


Image source: iamb4bie


Image source: wailingwhales


Image source: Nikachuu


Image source: abestafera

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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animals, blurry cat photos, blurry photos, cat, cats, funny, funny cat photos