30 Times People Found Fascinating Stuff In Nature And Shared In This Online Group (New Pics)

Published 2 years ago

Our ancestors used to derive all sorts of food by foraging in the woods. There is no doubt that mother nature has always been nourishing us with her love and abundance. Even today, many people continue to look for useful things in their neighborhood, and mother nature doesn’t cease to amaze them.

There are two Reddit communities in which people share amazing things they find in their local areas. The online communities “The ‘Foraging’ and ‘Mushrooms’” have a collection of images showing awesome discoveries by people who go out foraging in nature. Check out some of the best photos that we have scoured from their collection in the gallery below.

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#1 Found Salmon Berries, Wine Berries, Osoberries, And Red Huckle Berries All Within A 5 Minute Walk Of My Front Door!

Image source: wtuknwbtgrneggsnhm

#2 When You Know Where The Blueberries Are

Image source: Leafs6991

#3 Had To Get Past The Woodland Blackberry Guardian Before I Could Pick The Berries Today

Image source: General_Ignoranse

#4 What Is In There?

Image source: petroleumjellyrub

#5 My 10.5 Year Old Lab Recently Learned To Truffle Hunt. So Proud Of Him!

Image source: tripnthewoodsrn

#6 Eating My Morel Pasta Alone After Failing To Convince Any Of My Family To Try It. Somebody Please Appreciate It With Me

Image source: cactilife

#7 Made Some Ice Cubes With Freshly Foraged Lilac. Looking Forward To Some Summer Cocktails With These!

Image source: Mad-Berry

#8 This Counts As Foraging, Right?

Image source: musicals4life

I drove to Maine and collected 10gal of seawater, boiled it down over the course of 3 days, and got 2 quarts of sea salt.

#9 I Made A Acorn Shaped Mushroom Pendant

Image source: Catharsius

#10 Had To Repost Bc Of How Cute It Is

Image source: Myceliumwhore

#11 My Favorite Wild Raspberry Site Is Being Bulldozed To Build Some Houses ? So, I Rescued As Many Plants As I Could! …does It Still Count As Foraging If I Transplant Foraged Plants In My Yard?

Image source: allaspiaggia

So, I rescued as many plants as I could! Does it still count as foraging if I transplant foraged plants in my yard?

#12 Me With My Baskets That I Made From Foraged Willow – I Took Them To Take Pictures Now That The Willow Is Leafing

Image source: casiloca

#13 Salmonberry Season Is Crazy This Year!!! Yum!! I’ve Never Seen Them This Big And Tasty Before

Image source: shell253

#14 Thought Someone Might Enjoy !

Image source: Unlikely_Pass_3657

#15 Massive Bolete

Image source: GreasyTony68

#16 Made Fried Chicken Of The Woods Sandwich With Foraged Chicken Of The Woods

Image source: lipslikesugar8

#17 Aloha From Hawaii! This Is By Far The Coolest Things I’ve Ever Foraged

Image source: SlightlySpicyCurry

#18 Good Friend Found The Mother Load

Image source: Cdigamus’

#19 Found Some Chicken

Image source: juicyfinger

#20 So Today I Have Found A Couple Dozens Of Asparagus Or So

Image source: Mashinito

#21 A Fungal Zombie Deer Emerges From The Leaf Litter. Please Roll For Initiative

Image source: Techi-C

#22 This Ramp Sourdough Took Me Literally All Weekend To Make, Between Foraging The Ramp Leaves And Making The Damn Bread. Thought It Deserved To Be On My Finest China

Image source: craftycarrot28

#23 Midwestern Forager’s Pb&j: Black Walnut Butter And Black Raspberry Jam

Image source: yogen_frozert

#24 New Favorite Fermented Drink: Unripe Pinecone Wild Soda

Image source: Ecowarriorgoddess

#25 These Were All Surrounding One Dead Elm

Image source: pedaldownthefoothill

#26 Eye Of Sauron Shroom

Image source: koyfox

#27 Having My Cake And Eating It Too!

Image source: MapleTrust

#28 I Harvested Cloudberries In The Arctic Last Week!

Image source: whereisthenarwhal

#29 First Noble Fir Pine Cone Of The Year In Denmark. So Tender, So Delicious!

Image source: Proud-Gas-1450

#30 Foraged Some Mushrooms Today And Then A Weird Primate Tossed Broccoli At Me

Image source: musoem

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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amazing food in nature, amazing things, food, foraging, nature, surprising things