15 Powerful Photos Of Waves Captured By Ray Collins

Published 3 years ago

Ray Collins is a photographer who loves to capture the emotion of waves. According to him, the ocean is a living breathing entity and he wants to make portraits of it. “I want to show its moods”, says the photographer in an interview with DeMilked. “It’s not always palm trees and white sand, you know? It’s an immensely powerful mass of energy. The fact that everything is ephemeral. Whenever I swim with my camera I know I’m going to capture something never seen before keeps me inspired to keep running”, he adds.

Collins also shared how an accident in 2017 led him towards photography- “I injured my knee in an underground coal mine and needed something to challenge myself mentally while I was in rehab, so I bought a camera and read the manual a lot, and took photos of my dog while seeing how the buttons and dials changed the way the images looked. After some months my doctor said I should swim to help strengthen my knee, so I bought a water housing for my camera and soon took it into the waves.”

Check out some of his wonderful shots in the gallery below.

More info: raycollinsphoto.com | Facebook | Instagram

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Image source: Ray Collins

The photographer considers the ocean as his childhood best friend. “My dad passed away when I was young and I feel like I learned a lot of life lessons from being in and around the water. Lessons on patience, respect, humility, and how to go with the flow”, he says.


Image source: Ray Collins

He also explained, “The ocean is all I’ve ever known, I turn to it to celebrate or when I’m anxious or stressed and all of the emotions in between. Surfing is such a great reset! I love riding waves on all types of water craft and I think photographing it as a subject was a natural decision for me.”


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins


Image source: Ray Collins

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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nature photography, Ray Collins, Ray Collins Photography, wave photography, waves