20 Beautiful Driftwood Sculptures Showing Our Interdependence With Nature, As Created By Debra Bernier

Published 2 years ago

Debra Bernier is an artist who creates wonderful driftwood sculptures to show our connection with nature. When she moved to Vancouver Island 15 years ago, she got fascinated by the shapes found in driftwood. “The wood seemed to me like a sculpture, carved by the wind and waves, and other elements in nature”, she revealed in an interview with DeMilked.

The artist further elaborated that sometimes she feels like we are all pieces of driftwood floating in the ocean. “I hope that my sculptures remind people of the sacred connection we have with nature, not independent, but interdependent. We drink from the lakes, and eat off the land, it is part of our own body. I strive to show this unity by using other mediums found in nature such as dried mushrooms, roots, bones, crystals, shells, and so much more.”

Debra also shared her creative process with us- “My process is fairly simple. I find a piece of wood on one of Vancouver Islands beautiful beaches, bring it back to my studio to work on, and return to the same location to photograph the wood that now lives on as artwork.”

Check out some of her most stunning works in the gallery below.

More info: Etsy | Facebook

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Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier


Image source: Debra Bernier

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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art, beautiful sculptures, Debra Bernier, driftwood sculptures, Sculptures