30 Instances Of People Coming Up With The Best Replies, As Shared In This Online Group
Sometimes, words are more powerful than bullets. They have the potential to destroy people in seconds. Take a look at the subreddit r/MurderedByWords, and you’ll know what we are talking about.
The online group has a huge collection of witty comebacks and clever roasts. The 2.7 M members of the group share screenshots of funny replies spotted all over the internet to keep each other entertained. Scroll below to see some of their funniest posts.
More info: Reddit
#1 Armadillos Are Funny Looking Animals
Image source: beerbellybegone
#2 So Simple
Image source: impliedChoppy
#3 Australians Are Easily Offended
Image source: theflamingheads
#4 Because God Told Me To
Image source: crowguye
#5 What Makes Fetal Heartbeat So Special?
Image source: beerbellybegone
#6 Her Go To Work A**
Image source: beerbellybegone
#7 Got Hit With The “Come See Me After Class”
Image source: zojax1
#8 Don’t Be That Guy
Image source: MxstressX
#9 Dumbass. Couldn’t Think Of Anything Wittier
Image source: Duke_of_Blandford_II
#10 I Know, It’s Absolutely Bonkers
Image source: KyleKulinski
#11 Yeah Homie
Image source: AgileWalrus
#12 A 16 Year Old Takes Her Shot And Politely Dispatches Her Belittling Elders
Image source: shaecurtiss
#13 Nope, Not Benny Boy
Image source: Zward25
#14 Oh No! Abort, Ab- Oh Wait
Image source: MoHeeKhan
#15 Greatest Country In The World!
Image source: SepteusII
#16 They Always Forget About That Part
Image source: justnlopez
#17 Fatality, Fatality
Image source: arbitairium
#18 Economics Are Hard
Image source: beerbellybegone
#19 Peta Being Peta
Image source: _CallMeBuster_
#20 She Literally Wrote A Whole Song About It
Image source: Sera0Sparrow
#21 Yes, Well, You See, I’m Never Wrong
Image source: jenresisted
#22 No, No. He’s Got A Point
Image source: beerbellybegone
#23 They Should Know How To Survive Without One Person
Image source: beerbellybegone
#24 Languages Are Fun!
Image source: beerbellybegone
#25 Preacher Speaking God’s Word
Image source: beerbellybegone
#26 The Single Most British Murder I’ve Ever Seen
Image source: Morkai
#27 Seriously? Ireland?!
Image source: beerbellybegone
#28 “Owning The Libs”
Image source: DaFunkJunkie
#29 Meet My Friend, Terry
Image source: brookie241
#30 Lemon Squeezy!
Image source: beerbellybegone
Got wisdom to pour?
Most of the times a unborn or young baby is killed in the bible, is because of the parent Disobeying God. Unlike today where woman murder unborn children bc they want to sleep around tomorrow night without the responsibility of having a child.
So what you’re saying is God kills innocent children who are wanted and beloved by their parents as punishment for the parents’ sins… unless the parent doesn’t want the children. Then God’s punishment (sorry, the “consequence”) for their sin (i.e. sex without the intent tk procreate) is to be forced to keep it. Do you realize that you are saying children are a punishment for people who don’t want to be parents and their deaths are punishment for people who do want to be parents? Do you think this twisted logic makes you look like you value children’s lives? Because it doesn’t.