20 Comics About Everyday Life, Its Joys & Problems From A Feminist Perspective (20 Pics)
Isn’t it strange how we speak different languages, live on different continents, work other jobs, yet live remarkably similar lives? But with our own unique parts, episodes, and intricacies to it. Maybe we are not so unalike after all? However, knowing that someone goes through what you do creates a sense of community and gives you something you can relate to with total strangers.
A woman called Xan creates comics “based on everyday experiences” and calls them an outlet for her struggles. Although the artist, who goes by handle promptlypaneled, focuses on a female audience, men could find the illustrations engaging too because many of her comics feature male characters. What also makes Xan’s comics distinct is that she adds a feminist touch or a perspective, if you could call it. See for yourself.
Check out more Demilked posts featuring girly comics here, here, and here!
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Image source: promptlypaneled
Got wisdom to pour?
I like these! I hope some people will get a quick laugh or even better, maybe get educated a bit. Saw the rest commenting, I don’t understand what’s wrong with these comics? If you don’t like them, you don’t have to pour negative comments…
I found these comics very entertaining! And I think some people in the comments are upset because the comics are too close to the reality. You did a great job girl! Keep it up!
I agree with this comment
How is this entire comment board a bunch of dudes unironically reinforcing nearly every panel of these comics? Y’all making the rest of us look like knuckle-dragging neanderthals.
Don’t worry. We’re smart enough to recognize the good ones.
Stop being so political and just focus on love in a relationship.
There… There’s nothing political here…
Ah yes useless humor because women
Ah yes, usess piece of male that is taking up space because male
Ah yes confusing addition because Stephen
Ah yes useless comment because male
These were really cringe
Stop being so political and just focus on love in a relationship.I’m annoyed that all you do is complain of not being sent to wars to die.you have it easy.birth probably sucks and being found attractive I guess is a burden but dude stop being the victim.stand up for yourself damn it’s that easy bring pepper spray.
You did not just make a fool out of yourself 💀 l bozo
Things change idiot woman fight in wars too, your comment is invalid
So…we should need weapons in order to combat annoying dudes who for the life of them cant control themselves. This is a comedy page…its humor….she isnt complaining. Youre just butthurt bc youre the butt of the joke. The “just enjoy being in a relationship” is the real kicker here. Like youre just confirming why we can’t stand yall. Go away.
Tell me no one but mommy loves you without telling me.
How is this entire comment board a bunch of dudes unironically reinforcing nearly every panel of these comics? Y’all making the rest of us look like knuckle-dragging neanderthals.
These comics really were cringe though.
Agreed. There’s more to life than “hating the other”. Literally all this strip is “something’s things are unfair. Let’s do a strip about literally only that. I hope she doesn’t try to raise kids with the same values she puts in her comics. I mean just wow
Agreed. There’s more to life than
Not really? I’m only 15 and i experience most things on here.. Its a serious thing and it needs to be talked about more
Stop being so political and just focus on love in a relationship.I’m annoyed that all you do is complain of not being sent to wars to die.you have it easy.
When’s the last time your complaining about other people complaining ass went to war and died? Maybe put your money where your mouth is, fool.
That sounds boring and not funny
I’ve never read a comic strip where the artist is so violently uncreative that every single strip is about the literal exact same issue with no variation whatsoever between.
Trying to read this from the perspective of someone who might be able to relay and it’s still like wow it’s the same exact issue every single comic
Imagine a male comic artist doing a strip and every single strip is about custody hearings and divorce settlements. Astounding lack of creativity here I mean… Jesus Christ..
Maybe don’t read comics that specifically say in the title they are about feminism if you don’t like feminism
Guess you’ve never read any super hero comic…
Bro shut your goofy Ahh bitch ass up
Hahahahahahahaha hahahaha! Comics fit a little to close to home for you????