25 Times Entitled Parents Tried To Use Their Kids To Get Special Treatment
We have all encountered someone with a raised sense of entitlement. A passenger who insists they sit at the window seat because “they always do.” A guest at the bar who refuses to drink a Cuba Libre with Pepsi instead of Coke. A customer who complains about the milk in their coffee being “not organic,” etc. Of course, everyone has their preferences. We can all respect that as long as they don’t act as if they are more important than others and belittle our opinion.
In the minds of choosing beggars, they feel more entitled to things than the rest of us. The world is at their feet. Or at least they think it is. For instance, some people think they deserve special treatment simply because they have kids. Uhm, lots of people do? In the Choosing Beggars subreddit, Redditors share the most infuriating examples of parents who tried using their kids as an excuse to get items for free or with a hefty discount. The audacity! Scroll down and see examples of some seriously pitiable parent behavior.
More info: Reddit
#1 I’m Sure That $100 Per Week Will Go Far To Provide The Vegan Organic Food She’s Demanding The Babysitter Supply
Image source: keelhaulrose
#2 She Wanted To Take Her 2 Year Old Daughter To A Marilyn Manson Concert
Image source: MarcusDigitz
#3 How Are My Kids Supposed To Live Without Juice?!
Image source: SnooDucks9912
#4 Parent Asked Their Child’s Teacher To Send Restaurant Food To Their Home And Not The School Meals
Image source: ComptrEyes
#5 $2/Hr For A Full Time (58 Hours/Week) Babysitting Job. Sweet Deal!!
Image source: fartypantsmcghee
#6 Beggar Mom Is Insulted That Her Daughters Party Guests Won’t Pay For The Party
Image source: HelloImJenni
#7 Ah, This Nugget. The Swim Teacher
Image source: pretent_its_witty
#8 My BF’s Mom Is Coming To Visit Us, And She Suggested We Buy A Mattress, When We Were Offering To Pay For A Hotel For Her And She Could Just Bring An Air Mattress That She Already Owns
Image source: angelinchains23
#9 “My Kid Hasn’t Eaten Since Yesterday”
Image source: megoon-
#10 Cb Tries To Use Their Kid As An Excuse To Get A Supreme Shirt For Super Cheap
Image source: Rylanbrit10
#11 Thinking You Deserve A Full Salary For Babysitting Your Own Kids While They Do Schoolwork
Image source: jbosch2
#12 So You Hate Kids
Image source: deleted
#13 My Buddy Is A Tattoo Artist. He’s Also My Personal Hero
Image source: TheBrennanCo
#14 I Can’t Even Wrap My Mind Around This Story!
Image source: KetoMyLastHope
#15 Ruining The Kid’s Day
Image source: deviant_owls
#16 Why Do Some Parents Act Like They’re Doing The Whole World A Favor By Being A A Parent?
Image source: foreverwasted
#17 What A Weird Person
Image source: deleted
#18 The Accusation Of Being Selfish At The End Is Comedy Gold
Image source: Chiuy
#19 Imagine Being Upset Over Not Being Able To Find Someone Who Is Willing To Watch Your Children For Free
Image source: NotATransponster
#20 Free For A Birthday
Image source: Redditor
#21 I Tried To Give Away Two Harnesses That No Longer Fit My Dog. Did Not Go Well
Image source: littlebossman
#22 I Have 3 Kids To Feed Plz Look My Ahole And Pay Me
Image source: Luxnoctiss
#23 But I Need A White One For The Kids…
Image source: vlsewell
#24 Apparently Being A Sahm Means You Should Give Away Free Childcare
Image source: Tindal_5335
#25 No, You Can’t Have My Dog
Image source: coloSDhandler
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