20 Wholesome Posts Showing The Development Of Instant Friendships Among Strangers
Have you ever met a stranger and felt like you’ve known them for a long time? It happens more often than you can imagine! Almost every third person has a story of instant bonding with a stranger. Sometimes the bonding is even stronger than many existing friends and family.
Today, we have collected some of those stories here to restore your faith in humanity. Scroll below to see some wholesome stranger encounters that might melt your heart.
#1 A New Friend
Image source: shannon.cox
#2 My Heart
Image source: tiki.nutter
#3 Two Strangers Sit Next To Each Other On A Flight And Meet Their Doppelganger
Image source: leebeattie
#4 Well Done
Image source: mary.terrinoni
#5 The Kindest Stranger
Image source: bvenable1
“So I thought it was a good idea to fly by myself with a 2-year-old and a 5-year-old we were standing in line in security, on the verge of tears because Wyatt was screaming and James was exhausted. Out of the blue, one mom stops the line for security and says “here, jump in front of me! I know how it is!” Wyatt fell asleep and I was trying to carry everyone’s carry-on when another mom jumps out of her place in line and says “hand me everything, I’ve got it”. When I said thank you to both of them they said “don’t you worry, we’re going to make sure you get on that flight.” The second woman takes everything and helps me get it through security and, on top of all that, she grabs all of it and walks us to the gate to make sure we get on the flight. To top it all off, Wyatt starts to scream at take off before he finally falls back to sleep. After about 45 min, this angel comes to the back and says “you look like you need a break” and holds Wyatt for the rest of the flight AND walks him all the way to the baggage claim, hands him to blake, hugs me and says “Merry Christmas!””
#6 An Older Gentleman Came In By Himself To Eat At A Restaurant In PA. He Was Telling Some Stories To His Server, Who Went On Break And Joined Him During His Meal
Image source: reddit.com
#7 Flying Home For The Holidays Dressed To Surprise The Family. Before The Flight, I Met This Stranger At The Airport. Instant Best Friends
Image source: ImplicationOfDanger
#8 Saw An Elderly Man Make A Move And Patiently Wait For Another Player. An Unlikely Partner Appeared And Warmed My Heart
Image source: ktainsworth
#9 Every Thursday, My Heart Is Full When I See The Joy That Our Amazing Garbage Man Brings Brooklyn When He Honks And Waves At Her With A Big Smile
Image source: cityblm
“And today, we finally got to meet him! Brooklyn and I wrapped up one of her birthday cupcakes and waited for him. When he came down our street, she ran to the corner. We were waving like usual and I motioned for him to come over by us. He pulled over, got out and gave us his BIG smile. Brooklyn was instantly speechless as she handed him the cupcake. I explained to him that he makes our day every Thursday, and we really appreciate the honking and waving, and how special of a day it is for us.
Then… (melt my heart)… he explained that he looks forward to seeing us every Thursday as well. He said that he has a meeting every Thursday morning and always tries to get out of there in a hurry so that he can make sure to see us every week.”
#10 Making A New Friend
Image source: Jess748
#11 Wholesome Friendship Beginning
Image source: DFacobbre
#12 Some People Are Too Good To Be True
Image source: Thatgirl_Stacey
#13 Lowe’s Ran Out Of Generators, And A Complete Stranger Gave His Generator To A Woman Whose Father Is Living On Oxygen. People Helping People. I Love My State
Image source: reddit.com
#14 There’s No Limit To The Ways You Can Make Connections In Life
Image source: half___empty
#15 These Teens At The Skateboard Park Treating My 5-Year-Old Like He’s One Of Them
Image source: passingglans
#16 Cashier Bro Looking Out For A Regular
Image source: Cordmcoffey
#17 Just Two Friends On A Commute
Image source: AsiaChloeBrown
#18 Be Kind To Each Other
Image source: mhdksafa
#19 Older Gentleman Teaches Young Guy How To Tie His Tie
Image source: 1Voice1Life
“The young guy sitting down was struggling with his tie. The woman in the red coat noticed, and asked “Do you know how to tie it properly?” The young guy said “No ma’am.” She taps her husband and says “Come to this side (her right side; he was standing on her left side) and teach this young man how to tie his tie.” The older gentleman moved without hesitation (almost a reflex response) and gave him a step-by-step tutorial; then – afterward – the elder gentleman watched the young gentleman repeat the steps and show him that he had it.”
#20 Toddler Bonding With A Stranger At A US Airport
Image source: KevinArmentroutOfficial
“Last night, while waiting to board our plane, my daughter was being her usual inquisitive self wanting to meet and say “hi” to everyone she could, until she walked up on this man. He reached out and asked if she wanted to sit with him. He pulled out his tablet and showed her how to draw with it, they watched cartoons together, and she offered him snacks. This wasn’t a short little exchange, this was 45 minutes. Watching them in that moment, I couldn’t help but think, different genders, different races, different generations, and the best of friends. This is the world I want for her.”
#21 People Becoming Unexpected Friends During Isolation
#22 They Deserve More Than Minimum Pay
Image source: barbara.danner
#23 Came Across This Today, Shows That Compassion Can Be All Anybody Needs To Pick Themselves Up
Image source: Rossico Jenkoski
“So this is a picture of me (on the left) and Darren (a homeless guy from Liverpool). Every day on my way to work I see Darren. He says hello, we have a chat, and I go get him a cup of coffee. He’s a massive Everton fan and I’m a massive Liverpool fan, but we always have good banter about the football.
Darren used to have a job, and a girlfriend, but he lost all that after his girlfriend passed away and he went into depression. Now he lives on the streets in Liverpool.
So I decided, that instead of spending money on stupid things at Christmas (like cards and expensive food) I’d use the money to get Darren and I tickets to an EVERTON match. When I told him he burst out crying and gave me the best hug ever. We had a great time at the match and he was so grateful (he even offered to buy the coffee this time).
Anyway, the reason I’m posting this today is that Darren is no longer on the streets. He’s got a council flat and is working part-time. Last week he had me round for dinner. I’m so proud of him.
I posted this story to show you that a little bit of kindness can go so far and help get someone on the right track again. I used to drink coffee with Darren on the streets, then I did it at Goodison Park, and now we drink it in his flat.”
#24 Snow White Comforts Boy With Autism Who Had A Meltdown In Disney World
Image source: lauren.bergner.37
“I wanted to share an amazing experience that I had today Sunday August 25th in Epcot. My son Brody has Autism and is non verbal. We went to meet Snow White by the fountain at the Germany Pavilion at 4:00 this afternoon. My son was having an autism meltdown. He was crying and was overwhelmed and just having a hard time. Snow White was amazing with him!! She kissed, hugged and cuddled him. He was laying his head crying on her lap. She then took him for a walk away from the crowd! She was amazing. She held his hand, danced with him, took him over to a bench and sat with him. She went above and beyond!! She took so much time with him. She was a pure angel! She was magical and my family is forever thankful and touched!”
#25 Total Stranger Came And Braided My Hair While I’m In The Hospital After I Asked For Help In A Beauty Facebook Group
Image source: Samuscabrona
#26 He Keeps Me Safe
Image source: MelissaZygTV
“It was Dress Like Your Favorite Person Day at 5-year-old Easton’s school today. Easton wanted to go as his school security officer Jeffery because he says “he keeps me safe.” So, his mom made him a shirt and surprised Jeffery at school. Best buds for sure!”
#27 This Is 95 Hirane From Japan. I Accidentally Entered His Shop To Ask For Directions. So How We Got Talking And Became Good Friends
Image source: Sellatra
“And now he dedicates 2 hours everyday to teach me Japanese.”
#28 Watching The Game As Bros
Image source: jeffry.daniels
#29 Caring Friend
Image source: ailijones
#30 That Smile On Her Face Is Priceless
Image source: SmithMahri
“This lady in the washroom looking at me said, “I remember when my girlfriends and I would get dressed up and go out. I miss that.” So I said why miss it, we’re all out right now, aren’t we? Story short we have a new friend.”
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