30 Of The Most Awkward Interactions These People Wish Had Never Happened
Have you ever waved hands at someone thinking that they are saying ‘hi’ to you but later realized that they were saying ‘hi’ to their friend? All of us have some awkward moments like that, and some interactions are just so embarrassing that we wish they never happened.
Today, we are about to see some of those weird and awkward situations or conversations. Although they can’t erase your embarrassing moment that happened in the past, they might make you feel slightly better as they’ll make you realize that these things happen to so many people. Scroll below to see some of the most awkward interactions people have been in and shared on the internet.
Image source: itsandyryan
Image source: Adam_Karpiak
Image source: sendsnacksplz
Image source: Nxoyii
Image source: BenedictBridget
Image source: Aa_Kuun
Image source: medschooladvice
Image source: janeymaine
Image source: unclewhiskysrevenge
Image source: InternetUser8
Image source: tazmin04099585
Image source: sznvibes
Image source: crlockha
Image source: Jerry_jx9
Image source: guelphgirlchris
Image source: greatestgoth
Image source: MakVest
Image source: hdurant
Image source: kae_mah
Image source: THE_Luke_Bell
Image source: AbbieHollowDays
Image source: DonaghRoisin
Image source: mamluki_
Image source: Helenreade5
Image source: Quoteurlife_
Image source: cutethreadsxo
Image source: Raquelhinkson
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