30 Times People Shared The Most Awkward Family Photos On This Instagram Account (New Pics)

Published 3 years ago

Family photos are cute, weird, awkward, awesome, or funny but they are all special in some way. Whether it be the clothing style, the poses, the expressions, or a funny situation, some photos turn out to be awkwardly hilarious and a few folks love to laugh at their own old photos.

Awkward Family Photos’ project is an Instagram page created by Doug Chernack and Mike Bender. This page constantly receives thousands of submissions every day from people who love to share their awkward photos with the world. According to Bored Panda, this is how Mike describes his project- “A celebration of awkwardness especially as it relates to family. We are still laughing ‘with’ and not ‘at’ people. We have built a community of folks who are comfortable enough to laugh at themselves.”

So, if you are ready to laugh with these people who are celebrating awkwardness, scroll below to find 30 awkward pictures shared by them on this Instagram page. And if you missed our previous post about the “Awkward Family Photos”, check them out here.

More info: AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Game 1 | Game 2


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#1 This Is A Picture Of Me When I Was 12 Days Old

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#2 That Time I Went To School As Humpty Dumpty For Nursery Rhyme Day, But Ended The Day As A Ballsack

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#3 I Very Much Enjoyed Being Tucked Into A Bag And Carried Around By My Dad

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#4 My Mom’s Friend Dressed As A Clown For My Parents’ Wedding Day. Nobody Knows Why

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#5 My Dad Used To Swing Me Around In A Tiny Garbage Can And It Was So Much Fun

My Dad Used To Swing Me Around In A Tiny Garbage Can And It Was So Much Fun. I Didn’t Know It Was Weird Until I Asked Around And Found Out That No One Else’s Dads Swung Them Around In Garbage Cans

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#6 Our Daughter Wanted To Throw Rocks Not Flowers At My Cousin’s Wedding

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#7 Unfortunately, It’s Me. I Took Dance In High School. Don’t Regret Taking Dance, Just The Picture

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#8 So My Mom Sent Me One Of My Baby Pictures

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#9 Just Thought I’d Share This Old Picture I Found Of Me And My Dad

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#10 Found This Old Picture Of My Dad From Back In 1976

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#11 Me, Sophomore Year In High School In 2002

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#12 This Is A Picture Of My Brother. The Photographer Was Trying To Get Him To Look At The Camera And He Snapped His Fingers And Accidentally Scared My Brother- Perfect Timing

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#13 We Were Having A Great Time At My Wedding

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#14 The Moment My Eldest Met Her New Baby Sister

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#15 This Is My Only College Graduation Picture

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#16 This Beaut Of My Uncle, Aunt And Cousins Was Proudly Displayed In Their Home For Years

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#17 I Asked My Parents To Do A Family Photo With Me And This Was The End Result. I’m A Very Festive Person

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#18 I Made My Cat A Work From Home Set Up

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#19 My Dad (Sitting In Bench, Right) With His Rock Star Wedding Party In 1987

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#20 I Won A Cutest Baby Award At A Local Health Foods Store And This Was The Photoshoot That I Won. Thank You, Mom And Dad

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#21 I Just Wanted A Nice Vacation Photo

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#22 We Were Trying To Get A Family Photo Including Our Two Friendly Chocolate Labs

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#23 Here Is My Sister Jan’s Graduation Photo In 1968 At 18, And A Redo That We Did In 2014 At 64

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#24 My Friend Mike’s Rock Star Mullet When He Was Two Years Old In 1989 In Fairbanks, Alaska. I Think It’s One Of The Best Photos On Earth

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#25 Circa 2016 At Knotts Berry Farm With My 2 Younger Daughters

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#26 I Looked Over 40 But Was Actually 12

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#27 Another Win For The Panoramic Camera Function

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#28 Here’s My Mom And Dad In September 1970. You Have To Give Credit To The Photographer For The Picture Of My Dad In The TV. This Was Years Before Photoshop, So I’m Not Sure How The Heck He Pulled This Trick Off

Here’s My Mom And Dad In September 1970. This Was Always My Favorite Photo From Their Wedding Because It’s Just So Cornball. You Have To Give Credit To The Photographer For The Picture Of My Dad In The TV. This Was Years Before Photoshop, So I’m Not Sure How The Heck He Pulled This Trick Off

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#29 Here’s My Old Breakdancing Crew, The Suburban Street Rockers, In 1985

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

#30 This Is My Family Christmas Card From 1999. I Was The Angel

Image source: awkwardfamilyphotos

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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Awkward Family Photos, awkward photos, funny old photos, funny photos