30 Not-So-Fun Facts Shared In This Online Group That Might Make You Feel A Little Sad

Published 3 years ago

The internet is full of all sorts of fascinating and interesting facts. And while some of them are pretty uplifting like these animal facts illustrated by Brian Ahearn, others are nowhere near as cheerful.

A few days ago, Reddit user Skqdoodle asked people to share some not-so-fun facts that they know, and received numerous answers that might make you feel a little depressed. Check out some of the answers in the gallery below, and if you want something a little more cheerful, see our earlier article here!

More Info: Reddit

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Image source: glassssshark

Crows are currently experiencing their stone age, but we will never see cool modern crows because we will be long gone before they reach the next stage.

Basically they have been creating tools which researchers are saying are actually more advanced than ones that early humans made. They also have been studied domesticating wolves! They hunt with them, sleep with them, and individual crows have been seen specifically bonding with individual dogs, like humans do with pets.


Image source: MapleHertzoggie

Pluto didn’t even make a full orbit of the sun from its discovery to its demotion.


Image source: Generic_Username7921

The number one cause of death for pregnant women worldwide is Murder. Horrific to think about.


Image source: DmitriPetrovBitch

On 9/11, firefighters had to hide in the rubble for the rescue dogs to find because they kept getting depressed that they couldn’t find anyone alive.


Image source: BackwardsLongJump-

Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr were born in the same year.


Image source: amairoc

A woman’s cancer cells were preserved and found to be practically immortal. This led to a ton of discoveries and breakthroughs in the medical field. Her family still cannot afford their own medical bills and this was all done without their knowledge or consent.

Her name was Henrietta Lacks. She passed away in 1951 from cancer. She was black and very poor and didn’t get great care in the hospital. A doctor had been looking for cells that lasted longer and harvested her cells, separating the cancerous and healthy cells. The healthy cells died while the cancer cells seemingly never stopped replicating.

Her cells are named HeLa cells and have replicated so many times apparently they’d weigh a total more than 50 million metric tons. A pseudonym for her has been Helen Lane. She didn’t know her cells were taken and neither did her family until way later. The family has been through a lot.

If you want to know more, I highly suggest reading the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I couldn’t put the book down. There apparently is also a movie about her life.


Image source: DragonsAreReal210

You’re more likely to survive being shot in the head than rabies.


Image source: BizarroCullen

People joke about Australia having dangerous animals of all kinds. However, no. 1 enemy to Australians is the sun.

Australia has the highest skin cancer rate in the world. An average Australian is four times likely to get skin cancer than any other type of cancer, and two thirds of Australians will probably get it by the age of seventy.


Image source: minemaster1337

The creator of Plants vs. Zombies was fired from EA because he hated the idea of microtransactions.


Image source: strawberryklutz

At any time, your body could make a mistake while fighting an infection/virus and register a vital type of cell as unwanted for the rest of your life.


Image source: dooby34

Betty White is older than WW2 and sliced bread.


Image source: Rabeque

Vet tech here … most of our older pets don’t die of old age, they die of cancer. It sucks.

There’s no way to prevent cancer. It’s a mutation of cells. However, to keep your good boi or gurl with you longer some things that really make a difference: a quality diet (please don’t feed them the cheapest stuff, it’s like humans eating the cheapest foods; not terribly healthy though it may fill all the nutritional requirements), all the regular vaccines (for the love of Dog, make sure you get your puppies the Parvo vaccine!), and a good flea/tick and heart worm preventative. Exercise and not letting them become overweight, and regular dentals are even better!

Also, screw you if you buy your vaccines for your domestic pets at the feed store or the tractor supply (talking dogs and cats here, not large farm animals). Just because it’s cheaper and has the same chemical name doesn’t mean you’re giving the right dose, amount, at the proper location, or getting the assurance that those vaccines have been treated and stored in the correct manner. You get what you pay for.


Image source: pinkpanzer101

There’s a wasp in Australia that hunts spiders.

It doesn’t eat them, though. It paralyses them, makes a little mud cocoon for each one, and before sealing it off, lays a single egg on the now trapped spider.

The egg hatches, the larva eats the still alive (and still paralysed) spider, and then breaks out of the cocoon as a wasp.

Turns out they’re all over the world, not just Australia. If you see a wasp dragging a spider, that’s what’s going on.


Image source: hostilecarrot

In 2006, a team of scientific researchers in Iceland were gathering clams in order to study the effects of climate change. They froze the clams, which ended up killing them. They ended up killing the oldest known clam still left alive, nicknamed, “Ming”, which was 507 years old.


Image source: Hollywood899

The TSA missed 96% of contraband during an inspection in 2015.


Image source: Shagrrotten

Roughly 40% of murders go unsolved.


Image source: recklessspirit

Persistent hiccups can be stopped with a digital rectal massage (aka finger up the a**)


Image source: MeatWad111

Mushrooms are more like humans than plants.


Image source: sroche24

We’re closer to the year 2051 than we are 1991.


Image source: Official_Zach55

Every Cruise ship has a morgue.


Image source: devildance3

That in all likelihood your name will be forgotten after 2 generations.


Image source: tuckerdoodle2

In WW2 allied scientists stuffed dead rats with explosives to aid French resistance fighter who would leave them in factories to be thrown in furnaces and detonated.


Image source: Reverse_Waterfall

Diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day—more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined.


Image source: ShareAcademic9945

During the bubonic plague the Mongolians launched infected dead bodies over the walls of different civilizations.


Image source: FoxTailedGamer

Your bones are wet.


Image source: TheCerealKilled

A gorillas schlong is on average 2 inches or less. Guess what, human males on average pack 4-5 inches, which is more firepower than a gorilla; congrats.


Image source: CrippledHuman

95% of whale semen is dumped into the ocean during mating.


Image source: bluewardog

A gamma Ray burst from space could hit us at anytime and we have no way of detecting them before it happens, we’ll all just pass away instantly.


Image source: padraigharrington2

Some tumors grow teeth and hair.


Image source: SoccerGamerGuy7

Everyone celebrates their birthday each year. But we also have a “deathday” we unknowingly pass each year but because it hasnt happened we dont know which day.

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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not so fun facts, reddit, sad facts