30 Accidental Future Predictions That Turned Out To Be Absolutely Correct

Published 3 years ago

Despite there being no foolproof way of predicting the future, this doesn’t stop some people from trying. And sometimes they even manage to get it right – and I don’t just mean Nostradamus.

Aged Like Wine is a subreddit that’s entirely dedicated to future predictions that turned out to be absolutely correct, and some of them are so on point, it’s almost a little bit spooky. Check out some of the most accurate predictions of the future in the gallery below, and if you want something from the opposite side of the spectrum, see our earlier article here!

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#1 He Called It 6 Years Ahead Of Time

Image source: Maroondrew

#2 Don’t Go

Image source: iGetHighPlayRS

#3 Damn He Called It

Image source: minecraftjahseh

Hundreds of love letters between two gay WWII soldiers were discovered and sold to a museum. One of them said, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all our letters could be published in the future in a more enlightened time. Then all the world could see how in love we are.” They are now being made into a book.

#4 We Haven’t Matured In A Century

Image source: look4alec

#5 This Was Supposed To Aged Like Milk, Sadly It Didn’t

Image source: STerrier666

#6 I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

Image source: JDSadinger7

#7 This Yahoo Poll

Image source: mortalstampede

#8 Ricky Gervais In 2016

Image source: reddit.com

#9 Johnny Depp Called This One From The Second Pirates Movie

Image source: Scrappy1918

#10 Guy Beats Cancer

Image source: sextraveler

#11 This Tweet Aged Well

Image source: HillaryClinton

#12 When We All Have Pocket Telephones (Daily Mirror, 1923)

Image source: reddit.com

#13 This Aged Well In The Worst Way Possible

Image source: Jymble

#14 Bill Gates’ Response In R/Iama Question

Image source: reddit.com




#15 Ask And You Shall Recieve

Image source: ChrisMMatthews

#16 The Onion Predicted It To The Letter

Image source: SIGSYS

#17 Hands Up Who Owes This Girl An Apology

Image source: reddit.com

#18 The Prophecy

Image source: miserablemembership

#19 Batman Setting The Trend 8 Years Early

Image source: Scrappy1918

#20 Coming Soon To A City Near You

Image source: Nite_Watch3

#21 This Guy Got The Name Of Katy Perry And Orlando Bloom’s Newborn Daughter Spot On

Image source: christress

#22 Simpsons At It Again

Image source: Comunisation

#23 I Don’t Like Him But He’s Right

Image source: berniesanders

#24 Think This Fits Here

Image source: razor_face_

#25 He’s Back

Image source: Mister_Nova

#26 This And Hundreds Other Similar Quotes

Image source: Nakatsukasa

#27 Unfortunately I Do Have Predicting Abilities

Image source: the-koolio

#28 An Article By The Onion In 2014

Image source: TheFriendlyKraut

#29 Somewhat Predictable But Still Hilarious

Image source: AdonisAquarian

#30 Anyone Else Remember Drawn Together?

Image source: GreasyGallimimus

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

Got wisdom to pour?



Aged Like Wine, correct future predictions, future predictions