30 Things Designed By People Who Don’t Have To Clean Them (New Pics)

Published 4 years ago

There’s a lot of things that the designer has to keep in mind when designing something, such as aesthetics, practicality, and ease of use. However, there’s one thing that’s almost universally either forgotten or satisfied for aesthetic purposes – and that’s the ability to easily clean the object. In fact, some people got so fed up with these nearly impossible to clean things, they even started a Facebook group that’s entirely dedicated to shaming the worst offenders.

The group in question is titled Things designed by people who don’t have to clean them and has nearly 100k members who regularly share the most hard-to-clean things they managed to stumble upon. Check out some of the most infuriating designs shared in this Facebook group below, and if you want more, see our earlier article here!

More info: Facebook

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#1 My Goodness

Image source: Aidely Aranda

#2 I Found A Hair On Your T-Shirt. Who Is She?

Image source: Ignas Gramba

#3 Just Stay In The 70s. Thanks

Image source: Barby Km

#4 This Belongs Here

Image source: Ashley Nichole Frodsham

#5 This Is My Ceiling Light. It’s New, And I Loved It Til I Joined This Group And Realized I Have No Idea How To Clean It

Image source: Elana Kehoe

#6 This Was Never A Good Idea!

Image source: Susan Becker

#7 Omfg, This Is Giving Me The Shivers

Image source: Miguel G. Bouças

#8 Rock Bottom

Image source: Giulia Scognamillo

#9 Saw This Sink In A Bathroom Showroom And Thought Of You My Friends. It Has Actual Fish In It

Image source: Maryum Farhan

#10 Bride Decided This Was The Best Way To Display Her Dress After The Wedding

Image source: Lindy Pearce

#11 This Was A Sink In A Public Bathroom That I Used Yesterday

Image source: Holly Hass

(it does have a drain, it’s just hard to see under the bubbles) it’s flat, theres ridges in it that go about an inch deep into the sink to resemble rock or something. It’s obviously covered in grime and soap residue. Might have been cool in someone’s house, but not in a public bathroom like this

#12 I Finally Have A Contribution!! Reminds Me Of The Fuzzy Skeleton Someone Shared The Other Day…maybe This One Could Be Thrown In The Washer?

Image source: Melissa Smith

#13 I Thought This Would Fit Here

Image source: Tary Timót

#14 Now Imagine That It Rains

Image source: Jhon Edward Mora Mora

#15 This Entire Room

Image source: Zineb ZD

#16 I Present To You My Desk Chair

Image source: Patience Hawkins

I hate it. It was here when I got here. The bumps are hard plastic and extremely uncomfortable also the back has no give whatsoever. I work in the office part of a warehouse and everything gets super dirty here. Not looking forward to cleaning it which I can imagine will be done with a toothbrush.

#17 My Toes And Shins Hurt Just Looking At This. Hope You Like Cobwebs

Image source: Scott Martin

#18 Just…. Why?! Even If The Bowl Is Smooth, The Outside Is Just…

Image source: Jessica Helanne

#19 Ummm

Image source: Aalia V. Hart

#20 Indoor Beach. Oof

Image source: Cammie Burns

#21 Behold

Image source: Christina Olivier

#22 Found In The Wild. My Mom, Who Has No Knowledge Of Facebook Or This Group, Her First Words Were “Try Cleaning That.”

Image source: Becky Brinkman

#23 Peak Impracticality

Image source: Stefan Tatertot

#24 Seletti: Monkey Chandelier By Marcantonio

Image source: Andrea Ashton Caprifogli

I wish I had it but DAMN.
(also, it cost too much for me.)

#25 This Chest…the Cuts Are Like 5cm Deep In Some Spots…

Image source: Daniel Johansson

#26 It’s Cute Tho

Image source: Tehreem Hassan

#27 Yeah, It’s An Art Installation. Very Ugly Art

Image source: Eli Westerfield

#28 Why

Image source: Cassiday Holt

#29 I’d Like To Personally Say F**k You To Whoever Invented This Damn Kitchen Gadget. You Don’t Know How Many Nights It Would Be My Turn To Do The Dishes And This F**ker Always, Always, Ended Up Being Used. I Hate It So Much

Image source: Cheyenne Lynn


#30 The Pieces That Are Overlapped Would Be A Nuisance To Polish! And As Someone Easily Distracted I Wouldn’t Know What Piece Of Mirror To Look In When Using It But That’s Just Me

Image source: Shauna Cameron

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

Got wisdom to pour?



bad design, funny, hard to clean designs, hard to clean things, Things designed by people who don't have to clean them