30 Of The Most Painful Images Shared In The “Make Me Suffer” Online Group

Published 3 years ago

With millions of cat videos and funny memes available in just a few clicks of a button, there’s hardly anything out there than can cheer you up faster than the internet. But what if uplifting stuff is not what you’re looking for – what if you’re looking for something completely the opposite? Well, in case you’re in one of those moods, then look no further than the Make Me Suffer subreddit.

The online group in question is strictly dedicated to pictures that hurt to look at, and it’s a true emotional roller coaster. Check out a collection of the most “painful” images shared in this subreddit in the gallery below!

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#1 Shelter Workers Organize This Cat’s Birthday Hoping Someone Will Adopt Her, But No One Turns Up

Image source: Mad_Hattr1

#2 Blobfish Are Not Actually That Ugly – Most Photos Are Taken After It Has Been Pulled Out Of The Water And Suffered Tissue Damage. Their Natural Habitat Is At Extremely Low Depths

Image source: Fire_JB

#3 DIY Fanatic Proudly Shows Off Her Upcycled Drinks Trolley But Gets Absolutely Savaged For ‘Ruining An Antique’

Image source: PrimaryResearcher870

#4 Sad Suffering

Image source: Chema626

#5 My Dad Had A Car Wreck. He Went Without A Bone Flap For 6 Months

Image source: Pocketeer1

#6 Life

Image source: Lmitation

#7 Nooooooo Jesus Nooo

Image source: BoyanPP

#8 P A I N

Image source: blinkblinkfarza

#9 Siberian Seasons. Frost & Mosquitoes

Image source: DeepwebSubmarine

#10 Bubonic Plague

Image source: Crazyinferno

#11 Antheraea Polyphemus… Basically A Tarantula With Wings

Image source: Currynrice9728

#12 Honey Coming Out From Power Socket. Guess What’s Behind It

Image source: reddit.com

#13 Good Idea

Image source: jack-natas

#14 Ah Yes, The Drowning Seat

Image source: Streetman245

#15 Keep Smiling, Nothing To See Here

Image source: ImCanc3r

#16 Yeah.. I Think Face Swap Was A Bad Idea

Image source: EnZeeeRu

#17 Jogger’s Nipple

Image source: legojedi01

#18 Well This Is One Way To F*ck Up A Test

Image source: kalletramp

#19 I Have Become The Cat Toy

Image source: QuirkyWafer4

#20 Baby In Stomach During Mri

Image source: reddit.com

#21 True Pain

Image source: Aggravating_Fox7859

#22 Dental Practice Heads

Image source: LifeButBetter

#23 Giraffe With A Damaged Vertebrae

Image source: Imajar

#24 Fish Skin Can Be Grafted Onto Burns. It Recruits The Body’s Own Cells And Is Converted Into Living Tissue Over Time

Image source: Honzatus

#25 Scorpion I Just Happened To Find In My Bra Before Putting It On (Teaspoon For Scale)

Image source: pinkcatsonacid

#26 Don’t Like Spiders? How About A Zombified Spider Reanimated By A Fungal Infestation?

Image source: AeliosZero

#27 Cursed Cutting Board

Image source: regian24

#28 My Foot After Wearing A Wet Boot With A Hole In It For 10 Hours

Image source: itsalltucci

#29 I Have Seen Your X-Ray Posts So I Bring You Face Mris

Image source: reddit.com

#30 Yikes

Image source: notcanye

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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emotional pics, Make Me Suffer, painful images, painful photos