20 Hilarious Alternative Versions Of Movie And TV Show Posters By Doctor Photograph
2Some designers like to go all out when creating movie or TV show posters, often making them appear significantly more interesting than they really are. Tired of all these fake promises, one artist decided to take matters into his own hands and create some alternative versions of these posters that reflect the reality a little better that the originals.
These alternative movie and TV show posters were created by a Chicago-based artist going as Doctor Photograph on Instagram. He regularly creates all sorts of fake products, ranging from greeting cards to canned food, and his hilarious content has already been acknowledged by tens of thousands of fans. Check out some of Doctor Photograph’s honest posters in the gallery below!
More info: Instagram
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
Image source: doctorphotograph
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