People Whose NDAs Expired Share 20 Secrets They Weren’t Supposed To Share
Some companies tend to hide a lot of shady stuff behind closed doors – and those things are usually kept secret due to non-disclosure agreements, or NDAs. However, some of those NDAs tend to eventually expire – and that’s when get to hear about all the dodgy practices that companies don’t want their customers to know about.
Some time ago, one Reddit user ended up starting a heated debate after asking people with expired NDAs to share the things they couldn’t say then but can now. Their thread ended up receiving thousands of comments, and the things that people shared ranged from simply disgusting to absolutely illegal. Check out a collection of shady business practices shared by people with expired NDAs in the gallery below!
Image source: Bella54330
I was a model for a few big name/well known make up companies. I did several print ads for magazines and a few television commercials.
The makeup artists do use the product advertised, but MINIMALLY. Like that mascara they’re touting? It’s over REALLY GOOD fake eye lashes and they also used another brand of mascara along with the one they’re trying to sell you.
Also – the clothes in the ads you see are pinned to high heaven on the model. They fit nothing like they look. It’s not you. It’s not your body. It’s fake advertising. Most of us models look just like you wearing that cr*p without all the pins and tucks and double sided tape.
Image source: 1ilypad
I worked for a popular national pet store chain. We told our customers that we got our puppies from ‘reputable breeders and not puppy mills’. We got them from puppy mills, and I can’t express how many came in on the back of a large, pitch dark freight truck, malnourished, scared and sick.
We also adopted the cute kittens from the local sheltered and charged customers outrageous amounts of money. Most of whom just felt bad for the kittens.
Don’t support national chain pet stores that sale puppies that do not come from local shelters folks.
Image source: SoulMechanic
I work tech conferences so I have to sign (agree to) NDA’s all the time.
I saw the Google Chromecast before the public did, chrome books, phones, Apple phones, MacBooks, Nvidia shield, even some games like Call of duty, Titanfall, and have sat in some meetings with the worlds richest .01% or fundraisers with celebrities.
Most of the time it’s boring the best one I can remember was meeting Robin Williams, he was at fundraiser for the local zoo, the biggest donor got to spend the day with just Robin in the zoo, and name their new baby Tiger. So I mic up Robin, he jumps up on stage and says let’s start the bidding on naming the new baby Tiger, come on folks think about it, how many times do you get to officially name a pussy!? If I remember correctly the highest bidder got into a bidding war, Robin is running around getting the crowd pumped up and laughing their asses off as only Robin could do and the highest bid ended around $50,000.
It was one of the most memorable and fun things I’ve ever got to do at an event was work with magnificent man.
Image source: delicious_tomato
“House Hunters” guest checking in, I never made the show because I didn’t close on the house.
1: I had to have a house under contract before going on the show.
2: They would select the other houses we were “interested” in.
3: I was assigned another SO who was more “interesting” than my actual SO.
Image source: NPC_forsale
I was a translator (contractor) for the US military. I also translated Marvel comic books. Marvel had tighter security.
Image source: ChiefQueefer
I worked at Dairy Queen, the collection box supporting children with cancer hanging out the drive-thru window was a discontinued charity, my manager pocketed all the donations. Disgusting in a different sense.
Image source: okbyeokbyeokbye
Signed an NDA when I worked as a fit model for Katy Perry’s shoe line. Basically a fit model is used for their good proportions to test out the fit of garments. I’m a solid size 7.5 so hooray for being average. I was hired on two occasions and got to hang out and give her my opinion on the fit, feeling, and comfort of different shoes.
Didn’t think she’d actually be there but both times she was present and totally running the show. Super nice woman in person and remembered me when we met again.
Image source: ZeldaZanders
I was an extra on Murder on The Orient Express, for the Istanbul scene (over a week of filming, and it’s literally about 20 seconds of the film)
Michelle Pfeiffer had to be fed her line reading on each line by Kenneth Branagh, which I thought was weird. Like every line, she’d be like ‘how do you want me to say this?’
And then at one point Johnny Depp snuck onto set the day before he was due to film with a baby doll’s head in his hand and snuck up behind the car Michelle Pfeiffer was in to try and scare her with it. Weird dude.
Image source: s1ng1ngsqu1rrel
When I was a kid, I visited the dentist for a cavity. While there, the dentist slipped while drilling my tooth and drilled a hole under my tongue. My mom saw me tense up, and my dentist said “oh, nicked her there a bit so you might see a little blood.” I got home and after an hour, my entire neck was swollen up like a frog and my voice was squeaky because of the air pressure. A pocket of air was pressing against my heart… dirty air, at that, because of the bacteria in my mouth. I was admitted to the hospital as a “code 4,” with a “code 5” being dead. When my mom tried to sue the dentist for damages, he claimed I was kicking and screaming and “out of control” during the appt, even getting his secretary to vouch for him and testify. (Total BS.. I liked the dentist, and I was a people pleaser. Also, laughing gas). My mom’s lawyer was super pessimistic and told her just to settle and sign an NDA because she had a “small chance” of winning. So my mom settled, being naive and scared to take on an office full of liars. She could never disclose who the dentist was, and we’ve heard other horror stories throughout the years about this dentist effing up other people’s’ mouths. It sucks because every lawyer we’ve talked to after-the-fact says we had a very strong case and it’s likely we would have won. Like really won.
Image source: BrittneyRageFace
I used to work at Frisch’s as a hostess/busser/drive-thru attendant, that place was filthy and corrupt as f**k. No one in the kitchen wore gloves and the cooks loved making people eat old food/food that had been dropped on the disgusting floors. The manager loved to steal the waitresses tips and blame the customers or the sketchy looking bussers. The most corrupt thing the awful manager did while I was there was around Christmas time. He would take $100 out of each of the new/younger employees cash drawer, call your parents saying that their kid stole the money and they needed to be brought in to be questioned. When I went to work the next day I found out the same s**t happened to a few of the others, we all got pissed and snagged the key that locked the box to the camera controls, re-winded to the following day and watched until we saw the f***er start doing his thing. Every single one of us reported his a**. He got insta-fired. It was glorious.
Image source: SlattBaker
R Kelly’s lawyer was on his death bed and told reporters R Kelly is “guilty as hell” regarding his child p*rnography case.
The NDA was still valid but he was given a short time to live and I guess as a lawyer, you need get this stuff off your chest.
Image source: THE_CHOPPA
The fajitas sizzle because we pour oil and water on a hot plate not because we grilled anything.
Image source: VivaSpiderJerusalem
I was actually an actor in that commercial that said I wasn’t.
Image source: brenton07
Most American Idol contestants have agents that got them on the show, and 90-95% of it is pre-cast before the “audition tour”.
Image source: Liquid_Sky
I work in designer clothing retail. The clothes are quite expensive and the assistants are required to only wear full priced garments. So we (the whole team) just pick clothes off the rack, wear them all day (including lunch and bathroom breaks) and at the end of the shift, replace the tags and put the clothes back on the shelf for the customers to buy at full price.
I know I was grossed out my first day there.
Image source: guido_pilot
Worked for a self-storage place in Rocklin, CA. They made every customer sign a “lease agreement” that said that you wouldn’t hold them responsible if your unit was broken into and things were stolen. I found out that we had 7-8 burglaries a year. The owners would get sued but they would always get off because they’d produce the “lease agreement” in court and the judge would dismiss the case. One day I came in from vacation to pick up my paycheck, and I found the owner and the manager loading up a truck with the contents from a unit that wasn’t theirs. I went around the corner to an area where the fence allowed me to look in, and saw that they went to another storage space, cut off the lock, and proceeded to load up the truck with a telescope, big screen tv and some power tools. I came back the next day and asked one of my co-workers. He told me that the owners of the storage space would sell the stuff they stole from renters, and that the manager and owner did the same thing with another property that they owned in Granite Bay. I quit to go back to Sac State. I called the Rocklin cops to tell them what the owners were doing, and they said that there was nothing they could do unless they were caught in the act.
Image source: lessadessa
My boss refuses to hire anybody but white women, and he uses rubbing alcohol to wipe the expiration date off of product if it expires. He just puts it back on the shelf. Including dairy product. I hate him.
Image source: TheFoxAndTheRaven
I was in the first test screening audience for John Wick 3 (and I think the NDA has expired since the movie is now out). The visual effects were still unfinished (and several scenes had just placeholder cards that described what occurred in the missing scene). It was really interesting being able to see the animal handlers running along with the animals, wearing full-body black spandex suits, before they were digitally deleted from the final film.
I thought it was really interesting and it’s just not something you’d think about being there.
Image source: Sticky_Paws
I did some research on small scale agriculture in South Appalachia. As part of living with and studying the community I stayed with, I was sworn to secrecy for five years after submitting my research to the happenings and names of those I lived with.
I saw arson of federal property, and impersonating officers of the law and clergy. Grand theft auto, meth cooking and moonshining. Cockfights, kids getting coerced into pr****tution, dogs getting shot full of rocksalt for laughs. I had to sleep in a junkyard for a few nights and found dried human scalps hanging in an old bus, ate rotting meat from a dumpster and had to hide for my life from shotgun-wielding thieves in the dead of winter.
Its not all horror shows in the hills; theres good people, tightly knit communities, and beauty in nature I’ve never seen since. But whats there is very much real and very much a danger. When I finally returned, I submitted my write up and dropped the project at the advisement of my sponsor, delivered over a bottle of mezcal.
Image source: FlyAdesk
A huge part of The Bachelorette was scripted. The company I worked for at the time was a major tourism service provider and featured prominently in one of the seasons. We were all pulled into meetings with the higher up managers, given a speel about what was in our best interest… and spilling any secrets was punishable by a $5mil lawsuit, “Please sign here”.
The “Bachelorette” herself was clearly there to further her public profile or “acting” career. The scenes were always “set up” before filming. Behind the camera nothing was happening. The cast were told where to go, what to do and how to do it.
If half those guys weren’t on their phones texting their real girlfriends most of the time, I would be surprised.
So fake… so 100% fake.
Got wisdom to pour?
Much of this might be true, maybe all of it. But without sources, it’s just gossip. Am I missing something?
Much of this might be true, maybe all. But without sources, it’s just gossip. Am I missing something?