20 Of The Weirdest Things Found In Guys’ Bathrooms Shared By Twitter Users
For whatever reason, bathrooms always seem to have a larger concentration of weird bottles than any other room in the house. And the worst part is that somehow they just keep multiplying by themselves! However, things get even weirder when you get to guys’ bathrooms.
A little while ago, Twitter user jodieegrace shared an image of a bizarre plunger/hairbrush hybrid she found in a boy’s bathroom. The image ended up sparking quite a heated debate and the replies quickly proved that this monstrosity is far from being the weirdest when compared to some of the other things that people found in guys’ bathrooms.
Check out a collection of the most mind-boggling things that people found in guys’ bathrooms in the gallery below!
More Info: Twitter
Image source: morogerrs
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